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Jerry Chaney

How do all y’all do?  
  I’m Jerry M. Chaney II.  
   I’ve been role-playing (starting with FGU’s Chivalry & Sorcery) since late 1979. 
  My first character was a female High-Elf (both her race & class) named “Thistle”, and she was a Natural Magic-User 
  She’s the main character in this NSFW Brian and Froud image, on my OneDrive:!ArELyzCtFGgmhYYNBcsrwDVB15M-zQ?e=0Ibmt8
  I’ve run a D&D 2E converted to 3E & 3.5E campaign and then, again, into Avalon Hill’s RuneQuest 3E called Gaulia Sweet Gaulia campaign.
  (Or what happens when... The Three Musketeers and the Brothers Grimm, meet the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Chaos Gods, the Stormbringer Chaos Gods, and the C'thulhu Mythos.)
  I was a founding member of the University of Kentucky’s  Miskatonic Student Union (MSU) RPG Social Club.
  We played lots & lots of Call of C’thulhu, but also some of nearly every game system that was produced at the time
  I’ve been involved in the Lexington, KY SCA in the early 1980s for several years until politics sucked the fun right out of that!
   I was a member of The Lexington Dungeons & Dragons Meetup Group (LD&DMG), back when Aaron Mabson was its heart and soul.
   Until recently, mid-2023 with my cancer recovery, I’ve run and played D&D 4E Living Forgotten Realms with my wife, two Exes, four children, and one grandchild.
  I’ve run and played D&D 5E for the first 5 or 6 starting with Hoard of the Dragon Queen.  Mostly at D20 Hobbies.  
  I enjoy it well enough, but it feels to me like 4E-lite.
Be safe, be good!
-Jerry M. Chaney II


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