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Tim Bannock

I’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons since I was a wee lad in 1985, recruited by my cousins and brother to join in their games. I just wanted to play with all the funny-shaped dice. They just needed a fighter to soak up some trap damage. Everybody wins!

(Well, my character died, actually.)

I’m an avid Marvel comics reader, so if you follow me on social media, I sometimes post about that, too. But my true love is roleplaying games. So much so that over a dozen best-selling products bear my name since Dungeon Masters Guild launched in 2016! I’ve developed or collaborated on many dozens of titles for games like D&D, Fate, Cortex RPG, and many indie titles. You can see all those titles and more in my Shop,  or take a look at my Resumé if you want to get all professional about it.


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