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Get ready for Port-O-Bowl: Travel-sized fantasy football

by Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry

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Poster by "Mr. McAngry."

Welcome to Port-O-Bowl, the most compact way to play fantasy football yet! Port-O-Bowl is a fully-featured peg-based system that is easily magnetizable so you and your opponent can play anytime, anywhere.

The Port-O-Bowl pitch can fit in backpacks, laptop cases, and luggage. It unfolds to 8.5" x 17", the size of a sheet of legal paper. Folded up, the pitch is 8.5" x 7.5" x 3.5" (216mm x 189mm x 40mm).

The pitch is fully featured including wide zones, a scatter template, trap doors, and 7s markings.

Regulation sized pitch next to Port-O-Bowl pitch

Port-O-Bowl Notable Features include:

Skill Markers:

Players are on pegs and can be slotted with up to 4 skill markers or player numbers.

Human Blitzer with 3 skills

Consistent and Recognizable Player Design:

Despite the players' small size, they are made with a simplistic "Chess-like" style, so positionals can be easily recognized. Similar positionals are consistent across all teams.





How small are Port-O-Bowl players? Here are some comparison photos:

Port-O-Bowl BUB next to Black Orc

Port-O-Bowl Goblin next to Goblin Bruiser Lineman

Player Status Indicators:

Turn players to the left or right to indicate their "Prone" or "Stun" status. The pitch is marked with which direction indicates "Prone" or "Stunned." The directions are the same for both coaches to eliminate confusion.

A mummy blocks a human lineman and follows up. Mighty Blow from the mummy breaks armor, so the lineman turns to the left to indicate "Stunned." It is exactly the same direction for the opposing coach.

Alternatively, there will be "Prone" and "Stun" rings you can use on your players as an alternative to the pitch markings. These are sold separately - not included in the core set.

10 of each type of ring- sold separately.

For Big Guys with nega-traits, use Port-O-Bowl's ring markers to indicate that they have failed their activation roll:

A Rat Ogre attempted to blitz the line-elf being marked by the Gutter Runner and Linerat, but rolled a 1 during the Animal Savagery roll. With no companion to maul, he loses his Tackle Zones and needs a marker ring. A Mighty Blow blitzer is about to punch a wardancer though, so that's consolation.


Port-O-Bowl is easily magnetizable. Just add steel plates underneath the pitch before assembly. Each player peg has space to add 2 powerful 2mm x 2mm magnets, so you can stay playing even through those bumpy rides or turbulent flights.

Magnetized players and steel plate under the pitch for extra player stability


There will be 10 teams available at the start of the campaign. More are coming soon!

Left to Right: Ogre, Halfling, Catcher, Thrower, Blitzer, Lineman

Left to Right: Troll, Goblin, BUB, Thrower, Blitzer, Lineorc

Wood Elves:
Left to Right: Treeman, Catcher, Thrower, Wardancer, Lineman

Left to Right: Rat Ogre, Gutter Runner, Thrower, Blitzer, Linerat

Left to Right: Mummy, Ghoul Runner, Wight Blitzer, Zombie Lineman, Skeleton Lineman

Left to Right: Deathroller, Trollslayer, Runner, Blitzer, Lineman

Dark Elves:
Left to Right: Witch-Elf, Assassin, Runner, Blitzer, Lineman

Chaos Dwarves:
Left to Right: Chaos Minotaur, Bull Centaur, Hobgoblin, Chaos Dwarf

Left to Right: Loony, Fanatic, Bomber, Goblin, Troll, Ooligan, Pogoer, Doom Diver

Left to Right: Treeman, Hefty, Catcher, Lineman 1, Lineman 2


The physical Port-O-Bowl core set includes:

1 Human Team:
Example of painted team (paint not included)

Close-up of Human Catchers

Close-up of Human Ogre

1 Orc team: 
Close-up of Orc Blitzers, Throwers, Goblins, and Trolls
Close-up of Orc BUBs

1 Port-O-Bowl Pitch:

Extremely convenient clamshell case fits the turn trackers, ball marker, and reroll trackers.
2 Dugouts/Player Transport cases: 
Port-O-Bowl dugout with Dwarf team

Port-O-Bowl dugout with Undead team

Closed Port-O-Bowl dugout and team transport with standing players inside.

2 Score/Turn/Reroll trackers and 6 Score/Turn/Reroll Markers:

1 Ball Marker:
Ghoul Runner sold separately!

... As well as DOZENS of skill markers (both lettered and blank), status markers for Big Guys, and other various tokens that make playing Fantasy Football on the go a breeze.

The full Port-O-Bowl set including the pitch, 2 turn trackers, 2 teams, and 2 dugouts all fit in 3 small easy-to-pack cases.

Entire Port-O-Bowl set folded up

Case dimensions:


8.5" x 7.5" x 3.5" (216mm x 189mm x 40mm) (Folded up)


5" x 2.4" x 1.65"  (136mm x 60mm x 42mm)


New Coaches:
If you're new to the game and just want to learn, you don't have to mess with fiddly plastic players made of 5 or more pieces each (like the RATBOTZ). Each player is only one piece, and an entire team can be painted in less than an hour - no exaggeration!

Seasoned Coaches: If you've got an important tournament coming up, quickly workshop a new roster without having to assemble a new team or get skill markers ready. Set up and play in minutes! Then try again with another roster if that one didn't work out.

Coaches with Limited Space: One of the limitations of fantasy football is the space requirement: A playmat requires a sizeable table that can usually only be found at restaurants and game stores (only one of which will actually let you play there!) Teams and their markers can take up a whole closet. Port-O-Bowl takes up a fraction of that space, and can be played even in cafes where your table space is not much more than a barstool!

Even cafes can become Fantasy Football spaces.

Any dining surface, no matter the size, can be a Port-O-Bowl space.

Traveling Coaches: If you've got a long car ride or plane ride, take out Port-O-Bowl and have a game or two in the back seat of the car or on your airplane tray.

Working Coaches:
Take out Port-O-Bowl in the break room to have a few turns with your co-workers. Or if you've got an hour for lunch, get a whole game of 7s in at the lunch table.

With Port-O-Bowl, there's never a reason not to play fantasy football anytime, anywhere. Here are some photos of games in action!

Dwarves vs. Undead

It may seem the Undead have jammed up the ball, but the Dwarves eventually swung around, casulatied/KO'd both wights, and marched unopposed to the endzone, zombies helplessly shuffling after them.

A Wood Elf thrower with Dodge and Leader hides behind a cage made from a Guard Treeman and a Sidestep wardancer.

A Guard Treeman does what he does best: Stand there menacingly.

Two Blodge Gutter Runners stand by in the back field on the off chance the wood elves lose the ball. Always have gutters on standby in the back field!

The campaign will launch on May 20th.

Physical Sets and Digital Downloads will be available. Currently getting quotes for physical distribution in the United States and Europe. 

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