Latest from the Creator
Oddity Press
2 months ago
Surveys out and pledge manager open
Hey everyone, I just sent the surveys out. If you could all do me a favor and get them back to me asap, that'd be great. We need your addresses (for physical tiers) so we can get our fulfillment center set up properly. You can change your addresses later! We won't lock that d...
Oddity Press
2 months ago
That's a wrap! Notes on what's to come.
Hey everyone, thanks a ton for the trust you're putting in us with this project. We're thrilled to be able to get to do this and to have you all along for the ride! Pledge man...
Oddity Press
2 months ago
Final 24 hours, huge Quickstart Update (v0.3.1) + Changelog, new art!
Hey adventurers! Thank you all so much for the support this month. Having so many people talking about the game, getting our Discord community off the ground and full of activi...
Oddity Press
3 months ago
Last week! More art, more dice, more cards! Stretch goals!
Hey everyone, You might have noticed this campaign didn't have any listed stretch goals. I'm not a big fan of putting exact totals on everything or deciding beforehand what's n...
Oddity Press
3 months ago
Grimwild Quickstart- Clarity Update released!
Hey adventurers! I'll keep this one pretty short. Grimwild Quickstart v0.2 just went up on DTRPG. Download it and make sure to grab the new sheets, too! (check the filenames) ...
Oddity Press
3 months ago
Funded, Grimwild is happening! And news of what's to come!
Well met, adventurers! Thanks to you all, we had a very amazing first day and things are looking great heading into our second!  We've hit our initial funding goal, people are...

Please share how things are coming along.





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Hey everyone, I just sent the surveys out. If you could all do me a favor and get them back to me asap, that'd be great. We need your addresses (for physical tiers) so we can get our fulfillment center set up properly.

You can change your addresses later! We won't lock that down until right before shipping.

Also, you can adjust pledge levels and get add-ons if you want in the pledge manager. The late backing store is also open, so if you know anyone else interested, tell a friend!

That's it for now. Thanks!
- Max
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Hi, If all pools follow the same basic rules, how does this rule work? * If an action triggers a roll but no dice are dropped, take a critical bonus. Also, the combat example against the dragon, am I engaging all the the challenges at the same time? Tail, Claws , etc. and can I still attack the body while its still being protected but taking thorns? Best, Andreas

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Oddity Press
2 months ago

Project Update: That's a wrap! Notes on what's to come.

Hey everyone, thanks a ton for the trust you're putting in us with this project. We're thrilled to be able to get to do this and to have you all along for the ride!

Pledge manager: Once everyone's pledges are processed, I'll have the pledge manager set up for anyone that wants to grab any more add-ons. Late backing will be available then as well. I'll post an update when that happens.

Updates: I don't want to be bombarding you guys with update e-mails, but don't want to leave you uninformed. My current plan is to post major iterations to the Quickstart up on here and any news that comes in. For example, when we move from v0.3 to v0.4, I'll make a post.  But v0.4.1 to v0.4.2, I won't. If you want those smaller updates to the Quickstart, please subscribe to us on DTRPG.  The bigger updates will be things like releasing new classes.  If there's been silence for a month, I'll hop on and give an "All's Well" update with less interesting stuff but just to make sure you know we're still working away. Feel free to ping me at any time here on the Backerkit, at my e-mail ([email protected]), or on Discord (@jdmwell) if you want an update on what's going on or have any questions.

I'll also make a point to have a discussion update as we near the final version to get a very full round of feedback from everyone. Please keep that in mind as you read, learn about, and play the game, as I'd like to hear as many opinions as possible!

Discord/Communication: I also wanted to mention that I do discuss the game a lot on Discord. We've had some great discussions tossing around thoughts and ideas, and gathering feedback.  I know that some don't use Discord or already have enough servers. I don't want anyone to feel left out!  I'm more than happy to discuss the game here on Backerkit in the comments as well, so if you have feedback or questions, please post them up and I will definitely answer!  I apologize about the Discord-focus and if it seems like I'm ever accidentally leaving the backers that aren't there out of the loop, please call me out on it

Shipping: As was said within the campaign, shipping will be charged just before the books are shipped out, after they have been printed. We have everything lined up for that and are working with reputable companies, so it should be smooth. For anyone wondering, the fulfillment center is shipping from the United States and there are (very rough) shipping estimates in the FAQ.

Timeline: This is on the campaign page, but we are still following this timeline: 

For digital rewards, you should be receiving them in November 2024.  For physical rewards, they should arrive in March 2025. These are estimates. Take a look below to see our current timeline.

The timeline towards completion and delivery of rewards looks like this:
  • Q3 2024: Updates to the preview document sent out to get testing and feedback on the entire game before heading to print.
  • Q4 2024: Full game PDF of Grimwild, Nevermore, and Gaelenvale finalized and sent to backers. Print order placed.
  • Q1 2025: Printer ships books and fulfillment begins
  • Q1 - Q2 2025: Game arrives at your house.

I'm going to be frank here, the above are very conservative estimates and assume that something will delay the project somewhere. I would rather underpromise and overdeliver here.  We've been quoted a 30-45 day turn around time on printing, so I really believe we'll be making it well within that above timetable. I feel like that "March 2025" date is more the date if something goes wrong and kills a month or two out of our schedule.

Playtests: Games have been getting organized on our Discord and we've had people running playtests in-person, and even solo. All of the feedback has been wonderful and everyone seems to be enjoying the game, which is great! If you're interested in getting involved, I highly encourage you to. If you want help getting a group going, reach out to me and I'll help corral players or a GM, or set one up myself!    
Looking for an Actual Play crew: This is a bit of a longshot, but is there anyone who regularly does Actual Plays that would be interested in doing a few-shot (3 sessions, maybe) of Grimwild?  It doesn't have to be immediate, but at some point I'd like to be able to point people towards a quite well done Actual Play to show them as a tutorial. I get asked this a lot, but I've never set up anything like this myself, nor do I have a regular group that wants to be recorded and put online. It's just not our thing, really.  You don't have to be a popular show or anything, but it'd be nice having a group with quality cams/mics and can make a good quality video.  Anyway, if you're interested or know anyone, please reach out!

Digital Tools: It was mentioned before, but progress is being made on a Foundry module and Google Sheets versions of the character sheets will be up soon.

A community member (Cyboogie) also posted up some really cool web apps they whipped up showing some of the game's crucibles and probabilities for rolls.  Check them out!

If anyone else is interested in getting involved in development, please get in touch! There's lots of neat things that could be done, so if you're looking for a project or want to help provide support for your favorite VTT, give a shout.


Oh yeah, I also wanted to return a favor. Jex making the FitD game Bump in the Dark posted up a link to Grimwild (and is backing the game!) in one of their Backerkit updates. That campaign just ended and had they let me know sooner, I woulda been able to point people over there during the campaign, but as luck has it, late backing is now open!  Seriously, it's a really cool game that's getting a revised version (so you know it's well-tested), a Forged in the Dark game of modern monster hunting and found family. I freaking love the town map in the game. It just feels like the perfect semi-isolated American almost-a-city.

Okay, that's it for now. Thanks a ton! We're happy to be working with you all on this!

- Max, Per, and Luke.

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I think that Bulwark should switch places with Fighting Style as the Fighter's Core Ability. The Fighter is supposed to "have mastery of weapons," but the core ability doesn't reflect this. The fighting style options are extremely limited, almost all of them focusing on the type of weapon the character is using rather than how they actually fight. The exception, dual-wielding, is an objectively worse version of the one-handed weapon option, because a character can only dual-wield by holding an individual weapon in each hand. Without the weapon specified by the Fighting Style, the default Fighter lacks any advantage in combat over the other classes. In terms of balance, Fighting Style is a reskinned version of the Wizard's School Mastery, making it noticeably weaker than the core abilities of other classes. The Wizard and Cleric have magic. The Rogue gains not just +1d like the Fighter does but also a versatile Contingency pool that comes up again later in the ability list. Bulwark is a powerful ability that is even recommended outside the context of the Fighter class. It is the ability that currently best represents the Fighter's combat mastery, because it allows the character to outlast the other classes in a conflict. Using this as the Fighter's Core Ability would not just give the Fighter a niche, which it currently lacks, but also rebalance a universally potent multiclass option.

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