WE DID IT!!!! THANK YOU!!! Upgraded map PLUS a digital download of a piano arrangement AND COLORING PAGES are ours! Let's see how much we can raise in the next two hours!
Weave Of A Thousand Lies: special editions by A. E. Zeigler

Weave Of A Thousand Lies: special editions by A. E. Zeigler

A plague to cure. A crown to save. A romance out of time. No-spice YA romantacy woven with a magic system of linen and wool
$3,164 🎉
of $500
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Booktopia 2024
#Young Adult

This project is part of Booktopia 2024, which runs from September 5th - September 26th 2024. Learn more →


From the multi-award-winning romance author, Amey Zeigler, comes a fresh new Young Adult fantasy romance with cravable chemistry and unique world-building and magic systems involving linen and wool. If you want to be immersed in a world of no-spice, SLOW BURN romance and magic...welcome to Yfasma--the world of action-adventure Stitchbinding magic with chemistry-and-kisses romance.


A plague to cure.

Unable to cure a mysterious plague with magical Stitchbinding, Princess Lineya must Timesplice into the future to find a cure for her mother who fell ill at Lineya's hand. But Timesplicing has a cost: ripped from the fabric of time, the princess is unknown in the future. No one recognizes her--not even her betrothed.

A crown to save.

In the future, a cruel king rules, oppressing all in the land. Stichbinding is outlawed for all but  the king's closest advisors.

A romance out of time.

Kemp hates all Lyndens but seeks to gain their Stitchbinding powers and overthrow the king. When Lineya joins his band of rebels, he doesn't trust her. Yet as they plan their attack on the palace to steal the cure, they form an unbreakable bond. Instead of returning to her mother and inheriting the crown, Lineya yearns to stay with Kemp, a peasant she could never have in her own timeline. Will she choose duty or love?

READ this enemies to lovers, no-spice, slow burn young adult epic fantasy romance. Book 1 of the Stitchbinding Chronicles is told in third person POV with alternating characters.


"I cannot breathe because the chemistry between the main characters is UNSPEAKABLE.
So, yes. You HAVE TO READ THIS ONE." --Goodreads five-star review

"I was hooked!"--Advanced Reader Review

"A nice marriage of Outlander and Mistborn. This will grip you like a rope and won't let you go until you're done." --Tim Costello


Foiled jackets and custom sprayed edges

  • Ebook includes a digital bundle of the maps are included at every tier (except $1).  You will also get the playlist that inspired the book and a bonus scene I loved so much but had to cut. Each book, paper and digital, includes a table of Stitchbinding spells, pronunciation guide, and etymology of the names as well as the first two chapters of Chains of Deceit. Also your name will be mentioned as a supporter of this book and series. No limit.
Maps of Lynden City (color) and Yfasma (two-tone) compose the digital package download and are included with every pledge (excluding the $1.) Physical pledges also include this gorgeous color character art and maps inside the book.
two-sided FOILED bookmarks unlocked!

Gorgeous Paperback formatting

  • Trade Paperbacks--beautifully formatted will include all maps and character art in color. These are premium paperbacks signed by the author. A double-sided foiled bookmark is also included. Paper upgrade. Ebook and digital downloads mentioned above are included. No limit.

  • Case laminates premium hardback covers will be signed by the author and numbered by the backer order number. (The first person to pledge gets number one etc.) Like the paperbacks, these will have beautiful interior formatting. Custom sprayed edges. Foiled jacket. A double-sided foiled bookmark will also be included. Maps and art are in color. This will be a keepsake for generations. Ebook and digital downloads mentioned above are included. Limited to 100.

  • Premium blue clothbound books will include blue and white head and tail bands with foiled spine, a premium foiled jacket, blue satin ribbon bookmark embedded into the head bands, premium ink. This book will look STUNNING on your bookshelves! These will be signed and numbered with an added illustration or sticker. A double-sided foiled bookmark will be added as well. Includes upgraded paper, colored art, and custom sprayed edges. Ebook and digital downloads are also included. Limited to 50.

  • Homemade Stitchbinding sash. Stitchbinders gain power by tying knots in linen cordings, creating magical enhancements to anyone that touches the finished knot. They keep a ready supply of prepared cordings at their waists, braided into a Stitchbinding sash. You can, too, with this homemade, custom-sized Stitchbinding sash made from white macrame cords. Postcard and sticker bundle is included, along with hard enamel pin. Comes with Premium bespoke clothbound book. Limited to 5.

  • Story mentorship. As an multi-award-winning author, I would love to read and give you advice on the first 50 pages of your manuscript. As a sought-after instructor, I can help you hone your craft to seek publication or finish your story. Some restrictions apply. Comes with premium paperback book. You can upgrade to hardback if desired. Limited to 3.

Note: Shipping is NOT included in pricing. Shipping will be calculated and collected at the end of the campaign through the pledge manager. See Shipping Table section for estimates. 

Prices do NOT include shipping!

Vellum overlay pack. Character and symbols art overlay. 3-4 in a pack. These will nestle beautifully in your paperback or case laminate book.

Sticker and postcard bundle. You get 4x6 or larger postcards of the character art and maps. On the verso, there will be the table of Stitchbinding spells and characters. Stickers will be either characters or significant symbols from the story.

Hard enamel pin. Durable, stylish, and fun! Pins let you show off your fandom. This will be metal with silver or gold accents and will come with a military clasp. Once you back, you can vote on the color.

Digital art pack. Rather than selling art, I thought you'd rather have a digital download and you can order prints yourself. This will include character art and colored endpaper art included in the hardbacks.

Engraved metal bookmark. Silver metal with black accents. This will look stunning between the pages of your book.

Gift-able paperback. Want a second paperback to gift someone? Available as an add-on!

Name a character in the sequel. As I am still writing the sequel to be released in 2025, I am open to having some help naming characters. There will be some parameters. The name has to fit in the world and will be discussed by the author and backer. Some possible names: villains, Kemp's sheep dog, and other minor characters and pets.

Video call Q&A with A. E. Zeigler. If you want to hear all about the next book or have questions about this book, you'll want to back the video call with A. E. Zeigler. A one-on-one 30 minute Zoom call will allow you to ask all the questions you want to know. May contain spoilers.

Early access to Book 2. If you are dying to read the next installment, I will grant you access and allow you to give feedback to Book 2 of the Stitchbinding chronicles. You'll get a polished draft before everyone else in ebook (ePub or pdf) form. Sent through Bookfunnel, as well as a signed paperback or hardback!

Shipping will be calculated and collected at the end of the campaign through the pledge manager. See Shipping Table section for estimates. Shipping is NOT included in pricing.


Estimated shipping table. Shipping will be calculated and collected at the end of the campaign through the pledge manager.


****ACHIEVED!!  I'll include as a bonus extra prequel novella featuring the tragic and heartbreaking love story of the Great Hunter and Barathea. This will be delivered digitally and will be available to everyone at an ebook or higher tier.****


PLUS as part of the Booktopia here on Backerkit, I have partnered with the author of The Eyes of Mandoral: a epic fantasy series of found family and more.

If you support both campaigns at any physical rewards tier level, and both campaigns meet 100% of their funding goal, you will not only receive the awesome books you supported during the campaign, but you’ll also receive 6 free cards – three from each campaign! Here is a sample of my cards. Don't forget to check out all of the other Booktopia campaigns producing oracle cards for this unique Booktopia 2024 oracle card deck! Back all Booktopia campaigns offering cards to complete your oracle deck with fifty-six cards and decorative box! 

Participating projects: The Warm Machine | Lesbians in Space | Dire Contact | The Fractured Balance | Nuclear Strudel | Mermaid Song | Gamer | The Bright Spot | Like Warm Plastic | Weave of a Thousand Lies | The Eyes of Mandoral | Sombulus | Violet's Pretty Purple Playground | Shuttered Stanzas | First Life Duet | Blood Ties | Ruthless Wolves | Silver Series of Grown Up Wisdom | My Body Beeps | Reimagined: The Relic Saga

🔥 Limited Cross-Collaboration Freebies — All 50+ Booktopia creators have paired up with a fellow participant to create two unique and limited freebies together. If BOTH projects successfully fund, backers who support BOTH will get the TWO [2] cross-collab freebies listed on their campaign page, one will ship from each creator. The more pairs of Booktopia creators you support, the more freebies you will earn ✨

As part of Booktopia, Backerkit will send out an exclusive limited edition black metal bookmark for every backer that pledges to 5+ or more campaigns! 



  • REACHED $700 ($200 passed our $500 funding goal), all art in paperbacks and hardbacks will be upgraded to color.

  • REACHED $1000 (double our original funding goal), all paper will be upgraded to heavier better quality paper

  • REACHED $1300, all jackets on clothbound and case laminate hardback covers will be foiled. That will look really pretty with the typesetting. I am really hoping we get here.

  • REACHED $1500, all hardback books will get sprayed edges a single color. (We can discuss which color in our discussion portion.)

  • REACHED, all hardback books will get custom sprayed edges. That means the design on the edges will be more than a single color and will look fantastic on your shelf!

  • REACHED we will get 1 upgraded map and character art end papers.

  • When we reach $3000, we will get digital piano arrangement download, upgraded map and coloring pages downloads.


Chapter 1


Burning, burning, always burning.
Smoke choked the sun and turned the cerulean sky a dark, ashen color. If Lineya could find the cure to the plague ravaging the land, she could stop her people returning to Mother Spinner in the form of ash through the incinerators.

Thick, white cordings hung from her arm. She coughed. Ducking her chin deeper into the cloth covering her face, she climbed the stone steps to the Principal Palace set in the middle of the valley, the focal point of Lynden city. In all her sixteen summers, she’d never smelled such a wretched stench of smoke. She must find the cure and stop the incinerators.

At the top of the stairs, she stopped at the massive metal doors towering overhead—the height of over ten women. The Grand Entrance. No one passed these portals by mortal strength alone. In the Great Siege, the Krashe soldiers failed to open the doors weighing hundreds of stones.

With haste, she tugged the thinner, white cording hanging from her braided Stitchbinding sash and tied the chain for Strength of Mother Spinner. At the end of the series of complicated stitches, she completed it with a finishing knot.

The white cording glowed yellow.

She wrapped it around her arm. Power flowed to the tips of her fingers. The tingling sensation usually made her giggle, but not today.

Grabbing the handle, she tugged. Even with the Strength enhancement, she still strained with her might. With grating of metal on stone, the thick door eased open under her glowing grip. Wind rushed through the slit, rustling the cordings folded over her arm.

Slipping inside to the vestibule, she closed the door behind her, saddened that in other times, the portal was left open. Power drained from her as the knotted cording around her arm dulled to a gray hue. Untying the spent cording, she let it hang from her waist—good only for tying back hair.

She ran her fingers through the cordings of her Stitchbinding sash, letting the soft linen tickle her fingers. Sighing, she shook her head. More cords were gray than white. Gone were the days when she could refresh her sash easily. Without enough workers to harvest linen and to make new cordings, she must conserve their power.

Lineya stiffened her aching shoulders for the work before her. Her mamu, the queen, needed these cordings immediately.

Inside, she removed her face covering and inhaled the scent of lavender, lemon, and other herbal remedies used to wash and clean.

In before times, the large, windowless vestibule had welcomed dignitaries from foreign lands—the Barbaden to the south, Utrica to the north, and the Mori to the east. Now, cots and makeshift pallets, stuffed with chaff, lined the walls. Threads, lit with Glow, offered little light. Linen curtains hung between the sufferers for a modicum of privacy.

In her haste, she tripped on a lump of protruding stone on the floor. A few cordings slipped from her arms. Scutch! She couldn’t tell her mother they were sullied.

“Aren’t princesses supposed to be graceful?”

Lineya spun to see the bearer of the voice.

A young man stood near the rear of the vestibule. Though a head taller than her, he appeared no older than her sixteen summers. Hair the color of tow partially hid his blue eyes. He lowered his quire where he jotted notes and approached her.

She shifted the weight of the cords to the other arm. “Carrying large bundles isn’t covered in my royal training.” She narrowed her eyes, struggling to control the unwieldy bundle. “You could help.” The boy didn’t have the accent of the Lowlands, of Lynden. Yet, he didn’t wear the Highland wool vest. Oh yes. Her mamu required all visitors to burn their native clothing and wear the linen tunic of Lynden. 

Keeping his cool gaze on her, he bent and retrieved the fallen cordings. “I do as I’m told in Lynden.” His voice held a sharpness, a bitterness that accentuated his lowered brow. “You command. We obey.”

“Ah, yes.” Lineya eyed him with a hint of pity. He wasn’t unpleasant to look at, for a Highlander, if his face hadn’t held such disdain. And that unnerved her. No one in Lynden looked at her like that—blue eyes partially squinted, hatred blazing in his gaze. “You must be one of the delegates from Krashe.” Her mother invited them. Lineya had yet to meet them all. She’d been too busy tending to the ill. Finding the cure to this wretched plague occupied all her free time.

“Indeed.” He tucked the quire under his elbow and bundled the fallen cordings over his arm with a certain air of confidence. 

He must be someone of importance. “What is your name?” she asked.

“Kemp.” He brushed back his bangs, but they fell again into his eyes.

“Follow me, Kemp.” She nodded toward the next set of doors leading to the Great Hall.

“No need to introduce yourself,” he said, his voice as salty as the winds from the Deltas of Barbaden.

“What do you mean?” Lineya stopped and faced him.

“Everyone knows who you are.” He lifted his chin. “Your Lowness.” With biting acid in his voice, he bowed, his head nearly touching the stone floor. Then he stood upright, challenging her with his gaze.

Caught off guard, Lineya ducked her chin to mask her smile. If it hadn’t been for his sour expression, his wit would’ve made her laugh. She straightened her spine, speaking with a tone of indifference. “All right then. Come with me.” 

Frowning, he lumbered after her through the doors to the Great Hall. Inside, curtains separated the room into compartments, each with a Fallen writhing on a cot.

High above them, tainted daylight poured from the arched windows, leaving faint patterns of tracery on the polished stone floor. Before the illness, women in swirling gowns with layers upon layers of tightly woven fabrics danced with men to stringed instruments and feasted on their harvest. 

Lineya yearned for those carefree days. She could almost hear the folk tunes and taste the memories. 

Those celebrations were far removed from the sickness and moans before her. By royal decree, her mother cancelled all celebrations, including Lineya’s official betrothal announcement. A pain shot through her at the thought. She should’ve been betrothed to Rhett by now.

 Halting in her haste to cross the Great Hall, she nodded to a pair of young attendants, dressed in brown tunics, crossing her path. Dull, gray cloth wrapped their clean hair. The two scurried about with a few cordings, ready to stave off pain or to improve the mind.

“Good morning, Princess.” Each one bobbed their head and ran a hand down the Stitchbinding cordings hanging from their woven sashes in greeting. 

All the attendants were at least in their fifteenth summer. Those over seventy summers and those under ten summers were too vulnerable. Even the middle-aged suffered terribly. The queen was one of the few people over twenty summers attending the sick, which gave Lineya tremors in her stomach. Should the queen fall ill, who would rule? The thought sent shivers down her spine. Surely, Lineya was too young.

Lineya returned the greeting with a swipe of her own sash. “Good morning, Stay and Staff. Have you been here all night?”

Staff nodded. Bags sagged under her eyes. “You stay longer and help more than we do. Maybe the cordings will work today.”

“Perhaps.” A sting of tears formed in Lineya’s eyes. So far, none of their Stitchbinding healed the illness. A lump formed in her throat. “Let me know of any improvement.” She hoped her voice held more confidence than she felt. So far, Lineya’s experiments had proved fruitless.

Staff and Stay bowed, nodded, and ducked under a linen partition.

At the end of the Great Hall, Lineya opened a door. “This way.”

Kemp followed. “What are these cords for?”

Hesitating at the threshold, Lineya bit her lip against the question. Her mother specifically forbade her from divulging any information about Stitchbinding to the visitors from Krashe. Without being blessed by Mother Spinner, or stook, the Krashe couldn’t chain a small cording with any power. Even so, describing Stitchbinding to outsiders was forbidden.

“Sorry to disturb you, Princess.” Someone tapped her on the shoulder, clad in a gray Collector’s tunic.
“Rhett!” Distracted with the cordings, she hadn’t noticed him. Tight lines crossed his face. Her heart ached for him.

“We have another one.” Scowling at Kemp, he motioned for her to follow him and stalked toward the far side of the hall.

“Thank you. I’ll be right there.” Closing the door, Lineya swallowed hard. Should she take the cordings to her mother or tend to the sick first? Her mother insisted the need was urgent. But the Collectors only sent Lineya the worst cases.

She turned to the Krashe boy, narrowing her eyes. “Kemp, was it?” Would she get into trouble for allowing him to hold the cordings? No one else was nearby. And she didn’t want to lug the cordings in to tend to the sick. What a hassle that would be! Surely, he wouldn’t defile them.

“Will you promise to take care of these?” She raised the bundle, settling them into a chair. Promises were the highest form of respect. Lyndens made promises to Mother Spinner, to partners in business, and to those they loved.

“If you command.” He mocked her with a deep bow.

“It’s not a command. It’s a two-way promise. And I promise no harm will come to you for holding them. Give me your hand.” She held out her fingers.

Raising a brow, he clasped her palm.

At his touch, a buzz went through her. Alarmed, she wrapped a cording around their two hands. “Repeat after me: What we say our word is bond. We are bound by word and cord. We promise to be of one accord.”

He repeated the words.

They unclasped their hands.

With a deep sigh, she handed him the bundle of trussing cordings. It was only for a few minutes. Leaving them unattended would be worse. Desperate people stole them, hoping to use them for loved ones. He was better than nobody. “Do not let them out of your sight. And wait here.” Leaving him by the door, she clutched her Stitchbinding sash and followed Rhett to see what fresh horror awaited her. 


I've always wanted to write Young Adult fantasy. When I was younger, I read tons of them--still do!--everything I could get my hands on. I was inspired by wizards and magical objects, fairies and other-worldly places. But when I took creative writing in college, all the professors wanted me to write "slice of life" stories. While I succeeded in writing them, I secretly yearned to write daring adventures, villainous traitors, and mystical settings.

Back in the early 00's, I found Brandon Sanderson's English class on YouTube. I absorbed everything he taught, writing down and practicing every lesson.

My first publishing goal was to learn everything I could about writing romance since Young Adult fantasy would need swoony chemistry and memorable relationships. 

As a result, I published my first several books under my own name with a small, traditional publisher in contemporary romance, or humorous women's fiction with romance, as I call it. And even won a few awards for my writing. But I still wanted more. My books leaned outside the regular romance genre because I added "too much plot" to them. I knew I needed to switch genres and compose the stories of my dreams.

Then came a chance to take David Wolverton's classes. David was Brandon Sanderson's mentor back in his college days. He helped Sanderson, Stephanie Meyers, and Dan Wells, among countless others, get their start in the fantasy world. I will never forget the comment after he'd read my first chapters. "Well done," he wrote. That compliments sustained me as I continued to write even when it was hard.

As in all hero's journeys, the mentor must pass on to give the young apprentice a chance to prove himself. Dave passed in 2022 and never got to read the finished, polished version of this book. But he left his mark on these pages. I'm excited to share this series opener with you.


The novel is written, edited, and formatted. As soon as the project funds, I will send the manuscript to the printer. As always, there may be some unforeseen obstacles--shipping disruption, paper shortages, and other problems. And as the printer is overseas, there could be some unforeseen problem. I will be in constant communication about where these obstacles come up and keep you informed as to how that affects your pledges. Items are not guaranteed. 

If you back this project, your email will be sent to A. E. Zeigler's newsletter. If you wish, you may unsubscribe at any time.

Thank you for being here and for contributing to my project!
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