about 2 years ago

Project Update: Nothing new, just checking in!

There's nothing new to report as we're still waiting for the pins to ship. Everything else is ready to go! ⌚👀

The manu had hoped to have them out before CNY but I also told them not to rush because I'd rather they take their time and do them well instead of hustling and possibly having to remake them anyway. :P

Since CNY started this week I think it's likely we're looking at a mid to late February ship date from the manu. As soon as I have the pins I will start packing, grading as I go for speed. ⭐ This still has me on target for a March delivery to you as I expect it will take me about two and a half weeks to ship everything.

If you have friends who are interested in the pins we will have any remaining designs available after orders are filled. I'm estimating this will be in April or May. First they will go to members of my exclusive FB group AdorkaBows Select Bow-Peeks. After the group has a go at them I will put any remaining designs up on Check socials for updates and I will also make a post here! ♥

Amunet and I are already hard at work on our next design which will be a standalone pin. Hopefully next update I will have a little teaser for you. :3

Thanks for your continued patience! 




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