5 months ago

Project Update: Thank you for an incredible campaign <3

We officially funded, and hit multiple stretch goals. I can't wait to show everyone these special editions! (and see them for myself :) )

I am so incredibly grateful to the 40 of you who pledged. I have never made a book this pretty, but now, thanks to you, we can! You have my eternal gratitude.

And thank you to everyone else who was along for the ride. If you wanted to pledge but missed the campaign,  most of the items are available in the pre-order store!

As for next steps, Backerkit should be charging your credits cards if they haven't already. This covers everything if you pledged to a digital tier, but shipping will be added on later for all the physical tiers. I will do my absolute best to keep shipping as low as I possibly can, hopefully even less than what I calculated during the campaign.

I will be out of the country for the next couple of weeks, so there probably won't be any updates, but I will send out the surveys as soon as I get back. The last stretch goal we hit was for an illustrated case laminate cover, so Fairchild will be working on that, and I'll share it here as soon as she sends it to me. At which point I can order a proof copy and get to fulfillment! My hope is November, assuming all goes well, but my self-imposed hard deadline is in time for Christmas ;)

Again, thank you all so much for contributing to this incredible experience. You're absolutely amazing <3

Once we hit 1500$, the hardcovers will feature illustrations by Fairchild on the case laminate!
Goal: C$1,500 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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