Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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Hello, It’s been almost 2 years since I made my initial pledge, after backing several other items from Ampere. But you keep telling Dusk backers to be patient again and again. In the mean time, you are constantly sending advertises for Chamelo tinted eyewear, the “other” brand which hasn’t failed. Stop making is believe well get our pledge and give proper compensation… A chamelo pair of sunglasses for example.
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Its been so long that I am starting to think this is just a long running con. Swindled by a company that obviously cannot deliver and by the looks of it never planned to. Everyone needs to report this company and get full refunds because they already said they will not give my money back. It was done on my credit card so will be filing with them this week for a charge back. Those who used a form of payment that is protected need to do the same. This is complete bs.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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I won't lie, these constant delays are a bummer, i was a backer for the original Dusk and I figured i would be a backer again. I have been very quiet and accepting of the delays, but now my original Dusk's are not functioning properly. I've contacted customer service to see if there is a way to get them fixed. So far crickets from them and I see that bad service/representation is rampant through out.the company. This is my second time contacting customer service. My first time was dealing with a very simple issue, nose pads. My nose pads were slipping off and I just wanted to see about a replacement. That was probably 2 years ago and I never got a response. I guess I should have expected that this times contact would be no different and as I said, poor service on the updates. I would love to see Dusk Sport succeed and I would love to get them, but this is ridiculous. As a 2 time backer, I am highly disappointed and feel very disrespected. I am torn on waiting or just bailing out. It's hard to watch all the ads popping up about all these new versions, knowing that I cannot get support for my first pair and wondering if I will ever see the Dusk Sport.
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I am wondering, with all the options for other items and the included $100 gift cards for the new company website, if Ampere knows the dusk sport is not going to be achievable and they are trying to get everyone who is still opting for the dusk sport to go for a different option. If they do, then they won't have to fulfill their commitment to release Dusk Sport and they can go on their merry way. Ampere, how many backers are still looking to take delivery of the Dusk Sport product? Let us know, so we can understand a bit more what is going on.
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I am sure there are reasons for pushing back the release date, YET AGAIN. However, it would be really helpful if you would outline what the challenges are and why the release date was pushed back. A little transparency would go a long way to help your backers. Why not share with us what is going on and why the release date is over 2 years after what was promised?