Latest from the Creator
And Tomorrow Games
24 days ago
Surveys Out!
Hello again Backerkit brigade, I know at some point in the dark and distant past (yesterday) I said surveys would be out on Monday, but the response to the Smoke Test was so...
And Tomorrow Games
24 days ago
Smoke Test!
Hello hello, Just a quick message to say that Smoke Test surveys have gone out to 5% of backers. If there's no problems with these surveys, I'll likely be following up with...
And Tomorrow Games
about 1 month ago
Hello all you Backerkit psychofreaks. It's almost February and this is your January update for The Dose Makes The Poison. Sorry for the lateness (am I the last Mothership M...
And Tomorrow Games
2 months ago
Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the support for The Dose Makes The Poison, and for getting the project up to exactly 1000 backers when the backer train finally finish...
And Tomorrow Games
2 months ago
You folks are MAD
Oh hai. You still here? With more false endings that TLOTR: Return of the King, the Mothership Month backer train rumbles on! Update from my side: TDMTP managed to hit £12k...
And Tomorrow Games
2 months ago
Final call! 3 hours to go!
The finish line is in sight! There are less than 3 hours left in the official Mothership Month 2024 campaign. Once that finishes, the Backer Train begins: as long as a person...
And Tomorrow Games
24 days ago

Project Update: Surveys Out!

Hello again Backerkit brigade,

I know at some point in the dark and distant past (yesterday) I said surveys would be out on Monday, but the response to the Smoke Test was so swift, smooth and flawless that I thought I'd just bonk out the rest out today.

Check your inboxes. Enjoy ticking those boxes and adding to those carts and have a great weekend when it comes:) 




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And Tomorrow Games
24 days ago

Project Update: Smoke Test!

Hello hello,

Just a quick message to say that Smoke Test surveys have gone out to 5% of backers.

If there's no problems with these surveys, I'll likely be following up with everyone else's surveys on Monday next week (sending out surveys over the weekend is a no-no in the crowdfunding world, appaz).

In the surveys you'll be able to upgrade your pledge and add on a few things to your order should you wish. I'll be looking to get all orders locked in by sometime in March, printing and digital fulfilment in April, shipping May.

We'll be charging shipping and taxes separately, nearer the time that we post out the goods. Fingers crossed for my US pals that there's not some sci-fi zine hell-tariff in place by then.





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And Tomorrow Games
about 1 month ago

Project Update: January

Hello all you Backerkit psychofreaks.

It's almost February and this is your January update for The Dose Makes The Poison. Sorry for the lateness (am I the last Mothership Month-er to get an update out? Maybe). But first, OTHER NEWS:

TDMTP layout and design wiz Norgad has a new module in the works, so you should go and follow Brackish now. Norg's last module, Deadweight, was one of the best received 3pp modules released last year, and I have high hopes for this one from that slick landing page alone. Go and follow Brackish.

Right, now The Dose Makes The Poison stuff:

Headline 1: Draft script of the adventure part of the module is with the editor, still a bit of writing to do for the stretch goals

The festive period was less productive than I'd hoped (10 folks staying for Christmas 😬), and I was hit with a week of illness that I believe comes as part of any crowdfunding campaign, but I've handed my first draft of the adventure part of the module to my editor, DG Chapman. I'm still working to finish the stretch goal pages - the additional back story and plot hooks. In an ideal world I want all this portion sewn up by the middle of February so we can get into design proper.

Headline 2: Surveys going out next week

Before the holidays I made good progress getting this set up, but then took a break from Backerkit as it felt like I'd been living inside it for a month. Next week, I'm looking to get the smoke test (a test sent to 5% of backers to make sure there's no issues) out, then follow that up with the survey for everyone else shortly after that. Here you can confirm your order, and add in extras or upgrade your pledge should you wish. Shipping will be added later, closer to the mail out date.

Headline 3: Hope's Serum ad in progress

I've storyboarded this, next thing is to get this over to Norgad to get the various illustrations done for each scene and then on to the animator to, er, animate.

Headline 4: Early backer patch things

I've found a nice, communicative company in the UK for making these. I'm about to order a sample patch which will take about 3 weeks to arrive, so hopefully will have that to show next update.

That's enough for today. A very text heavy update this one, so here's a pic of my puppy with his head in a boot:

user avatar image for And Tomorrow Games




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And Tomorrow Games
2 months ago

Project Update: Thank you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the support for The Dose Makes The Poison, and for getting the project up to exactly 1000 backers when the backer train finally finished. 1000!

I was stuck in a work thing for much of the afternoon yesterday so completely missed the final hours, but it looked like a wild ride towards Mothership Month crossing the $1,000,000 mark in total pledges. $1,000,000!

Next steps here are:

Finish the TDMTP script - I’ve got quite a bit of new ideas and content to add to the current script, along with the new additional pages of factions content. I want this complete before the end of the year, so it can be sent over to DG Chapman for…

Editing in January. I’m going to earmark the whole month for this in case there’s a lot of back and forth or the need to play test anything before the edit. We’ll also finalise design elements like the illustrations for the Hope’s Serum TV ad, poster and sticker in this month before we get into…

Design and layout in February where Norgad gets free rein to knock the whole zine into shape. Will also get my animator Austin Temby on the case to make the TV ad.

In the background, I’ll be working on recording the Hope’s Serum jingle properly, and getting in-game voice notes audio files recorded with some actor pals. 

I’ll aim for at least monthly updates to let you know we’re all on track, and keep you abreast of any cool stuff as it happens.

Thanks for putting up with all the emailing and messages from me and for making this crowdfunding such a success for all the projects. 

Big thank you to Tuesday Knight Games, too. It’s been an absolute honour to be a part of the inaugural Mothership Month. 

Now let’s go make some zines!*


*Jk now I’m off to look at 20 pledge transactions come off my credit card 💸😭💸




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And Tomorrow Games
2 months ago

Project Update: You folks are MAD

Oh hai. You still here?

With more false endings that TLOTR: Return of the King, the Mothership Month backer train rumbles on!

Update from my side: TDMTP managed to hit £12k in sales the final hour before the official campaign end, and I woke up this morning to see that it’s now crossed £13k, and we’re up to about 980 backers. Will we get to 1000? Who knows! Crazytown! Thank you all so much.

If you fancy keeping the train chugging a little longer, there's still projects tantalisingly close to hitting new stretch goals and hoping to make their modules the best they can be. Check out all the projects here.

And if you’re tuning in hoping for the next instalment of the CYOA poll game, I’m afraid that finished with you walking through a high security door and it slamming shut behind you. It’s not my fault you didn’t notice you were manacled. I didn’t mention it before? Look, over there - the backer train is down to 2 minutes! *bolts for the door*





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