Pledge Levels
Back this project by selecting a pledge level
Friendly Supporter
3 Backers
A way to support us because you think we're awesome!
Includes 1 item
×1Our Eternal Gratitude
Digital Core Book
7 Backers
A PDF of the Core Rulebook.
Includes 1 item
×1Unknown Worlds: Core Book PDF
Digital All In
31 Backers
Digital PDFs of the Core Rulebook, all three Field Journals, AND all unlocked digital assets.
Includes 4 items
×1Unknown Worlds: Core Book PDF
×1Field Journal: Small Town Magic PDF
×1Field Journal: Victorian Horror PDF
×1Field Journal: Cozy Quests PDF
New Keeper
3 Backers
Unknown Worlds Core Rulebook and one Field Journal of your choice.
Includes 4 items
×1Unknown Worlds Core Rulebook
×1Unknown Worlds: Core Book PDF
×1Your Choice of a Field Journal
×1Your choice of a Field Journal PDF
Traveling Keeper
3 Backers
Core Rulebook and two Field Journals of your choice.
Includes 6 items
×1Unknown Worlds Core Rulebook
×1Unknown Worlds: Core Book PDF
×2Your Choice of a Field Journal
×2Your choice of a Field Journal PDF
Well-Traveled Keeper
14 Backers
Core Rulebook with one of each Field Journal
Includes 9 items
×1Unknown Worlds Core Rulebook
×1Unknown Worlds: Core Book PDF
×1Field Journal: Small Town Magic
×1Field Journal: Small Town Magic PDF
×1Field Journal: Victorian Horror
Keepers' Table
0 Backers
Receive three copies of the Core Book, and three field journals of your choice. Perfect for a table of friends!
Includes 7 items
×3Unknown Worlds Core Rulebook
×1Field Journal: Cozy Quests
×2Your Choice of a Field Journal
×1All Digital Books and Unlocks!
Old Guard Games Game!
6 remaining
Come play in a private game at Old Guard Games in Milwaukee with the developer. You receive the Core Book and one Field Journal of your choice, a $10 coupon for use at the fabulous store, and warm cookies made by Leon the store manager! Seriously, these cookies are good. You're on your own for travel, room and board, etc.
Includes 3 items
×1Unknown Worlds Core Rulebook
×1Your Choice of a Field Journal
×1Your choice of a Field Journal PDF
Midwinter Stealth Run!
6 remaining
Physical copies of the Core Rulebook and all three Field Journals, and a guaranteed spot at a game at Midwinter Gaming Convention, January 2025. A one-day badge to the convention is provided, but backers are on their own for travel and room and board expenses.
Includes 5 items
×1Unknown Worlds Core Rulebook
×1Field Journal: Small Town Magic
×1Field Journal: Victorian Horror
×1Field Journal: Cozy Quests
×1All Digital Books and Unlocks!
Midwinter Breakfast Game with the Developers
5 remaining
Physical copies of the Core Rulebook and all three Field Journals, and a special event game at Midwinter Gaming Convention, January 2025. All the players will receive a free breakfast buffet and shirt (up to 5x)! A weekend badge to the convention is provided, but backers are on their own for travel and room and board expenses.
Includes 5 items
×1Unknown Worlds Core Rulebook
×1Field Journal: Small Town Magic
×1Field Journal: Victorian Horror
×1Field Journal: Cozy Quests
×1All Digital Books and Unlocks!
For the FLGS out there!
2 Backers
Gain access to wholesale pricing and (if you're local to Southeastern Wisconsin) hand delivery of books at launch. A developer will also lead a demo game, if you'd like! The $300 pledge is applied to the pledge manager for product at wholesale prices. You must prove that you are a FLGS to be approved for this pledge!
Epic Keepers
3 remaining
Get in (with up to 5 friends) to a custom campaign built with the lead developer. 12 sessions, once a month. The Pledge can choose from any of the Field Journals published, or in Development:
Small Town Magic, Victorian Horror, Cozy Quests, Moons of Jupiter, New York Enclaves, or Camelot Eternal!
Includes 5 items
×1Unknown Worlds Core Rulebook
×1Field Journal: Small Town Magic
×1Field Journal: Victorian Horror
×1Field Journal: Cozy Quests
×1All Digital Books and Unlocks!
Because of that awesome Gamehole Group!
1 Backer
I played the game on Saturday night with an awesome group of players and they had an idea: physical core book and all the PDFs in one pledge! This is for them and anyone else! And they saved Simon too!!!
Includes 2 items
×1Unknown Worlds Core Rulebook
×1All Digital Books and Unlocks!