Hey backers!
I asked what y'all wanna see next, and I heard ace rep. So I sat down to try and figure out how I can honor more identities without overburdening myself. This ...
Arledge Comics
5 days ago
O_O Funded??
I go offline for one weekend, and that's when we fund all three projects in this collab in just 2.5 hours!
Holy wow!
We're already twice our funding goal! I didn't plan...
I asked what y'all wanna see next, and I heard ace rep. So I sat down to try and figure out how I can honor more identities without overburdening myself. This was designed to be a small campaign, with a two week deadline, with limited designs. I just finished a rather large campaign, and I'm scheduled for surgery this Friday. But y'all smashed the funding goal, and I am a sucker for making sure everyone feels represented and seen. So.
Colorways for the Still; Here mini pins are officially unlocked!
Our funding goal accounts for two mold fees. One for the rainbow pin (six stripes) and one for the trans pin (five stripes). So any pride flag consisting of six or five stripes is available as a colorway for this pin. I'll continue to update with mock ups, but if you want a flag you don't see yet - just drop me a message and I'll include it!
We now have just one stretch goal.
To help cover the cost of molds and additional pins needed for other flag colorways, there's now a stretch goal of $2,500. If we can hit this goal, I'll be able to offer colorways for Pride flags consisting of four or three stripes.
I go offline for one weekend, and that's when we fund all three projects in this collab in just 2.5 hours!
Holy wow!
We're already twice our funding goal! I didn't plan any stretch goals for this campaign, thinking it'd be a small little filler campaign between two larger ones. Silly me! But, seriously, I'm so very grateful for the love and support. <3
This was planned as a short campaign, I think we can plan one stretch goal. Just one. As a treat
What do you folks want to see? Some mini pins? A recolor? Something new altogether?
Let me know in the comments!
And make sure you check out Floral Pride and Queer North if you wanna snag those freebie pins!