Aye Alba Publishing
5 months ago

Project Update: You asked, I answered!

👋 First of all, THANKS to all the new backers who've joined us these last couple of days! I've been so amazed at how the campaign is going, I really appreciate each and every one of you 😁

🎁 Everyone who supports the project in this final week (days 15-21), will receive these two bonus novels from 2 of my author friends, as will all previous backers:
  • Hour is Come by Victoria Tait
  • Runaway for Christmas by Victoria LK Williams

⭐ Also, thanks to those who took the time to vote in the poll. The most popular option was to add Colour Maps to the book, so we'll do that if we reach $1,400 raised. We're close! Help us get there by sharing the project with your friends .

⭐⭐ The next most popular option in the poll was Custom End Papers for the print versions, so we'll do those if we reach $1,600 raised. There's still time!

❓ Now, have you backed my partner project, Sherlock Holmes: Crimes for Christmas? You'll get a collection of all new Sherlock Holmes mysteries from an award winning author.

➡ Don't miss out! Back it today!!

PLUS!!! If you back both our projects, you'll get an extra 2 books, one from each of us:

That's it for now! Please keep sharing and help us reach the next goal. 😎
Once we reach $1,400 pledged, a colour map will be added to all versions!
Goal: $1,400 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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