Baby Bestiary
3 months ago

Project Update: Wowzer....

Hey Caretakers!!
I just have to say wow!! I did not expect that we would be funding this far...when i was originally planning this campaign, I was thinking that maybe we'd hit 15k by the end of the campaign.. 

we've now raised 30k!!

This is great news because originally, I was planning that I was going to be fronting some of the production cost of these accessories out of pocket (which always makes things a little more difficult, but necessary if we were to hit production minimums at a decent rate).

I did want to check in and see what else you all are looking forward to (in related to this campaign), new class pins? other simple accessories? potentially a new owlbear color? (this gives me a chance to see what you all are looking forward to and gives me a chance to see what we can make possible). 

I am looking into some sort of soft bag (with an owlbear print to hold the accessories), but that's currently being worked on. 

Thank you all for the support!
Caretaker Andreas




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