Pledge Levels

Back this project by selecting a pledge level

Support the Scholarship

Support the Scholarship

51 Backers
Funds collected from this pledge will go towards providing free badges and subsidizing travel expenses for attendees who would otherwise not be able to attend. You can pledge any amount to our scholarship in the form of add-ons.
Sponsor a Room

Sponsor a Room

0 remaining
We'll name one of the private gaming rooms after you or a cause you support. Everyone who plays a game in that room will have you to thank! This pledge does not include a badge, but one can be added as an add-on!
Big Bad Badge

Big Bad Badge

225 Backers
Welcome to Big Bad Con! This pledge level includes a 4-day badge to attend the con and all the games you can fit in your schedule!
Big Bad Badge and Tea

Big Bad Badge and Tea

23 Backers
Get a 4-day badge to attend Big Bad Con and tea from Friday Afternoon Tea in Seattle.
Big Bad Badge and Coffee

Big Bad Badge and Coffee

26 Backers
Get a 4-day badge to attend Big Bad Con and Hyacinth coffee roasted by Denny Peseau in Seattle.
Big Bad GM: Sebastian Yūe

Big Bad GM: Sebastian Yūe

4 remaining
Play a game of SHIFT online before the con with Sebastian Yūe. Additionally get a digital bundle of zine games created just for Big Bad Con! This pledge does not include a badge to attend Big Bad Con, but one can be added as an add-on.
Big Bad GM: Sen-Foong Lim

Big Bad GM: Sen-Foong Lim

4 remaining
Play a game of Tiān Dēng online before the con with one of the creators Sen-Foong Lim. Additionally get a digital bundle of zine games created just for Big Bad Con! This pledge does not include a badge to attend Big Bad Con, but one can be added as an add-on.
Seattle's Finest

Seattle's Finest

6 Backers
Get a 4-day badge to attend Big Bad Con, a sampling of Hyacinth coffee roasted by Denny Peseau in Seattle, and a sampling of both herbal and caffeinated tea from Friday Afternoon Tea in Seattle and a special BackerKit-exclusive pin!
Baba Yaga's Tote

Baba Yaga's Tote

5 remaining
Get a 4-day badge to attend Big Bad Con and Baba Yaga's tote filled with games and wondrous creations, including physical copies of all the zines from our Big Big Bad Game bundle.
Little Red's Cottage with Rae Nedjadi

Little Red's Cottage with Rae Nedjadi

1 remaining
This is everything! Get a 4-day badge to attend Big Bad Con, a sampling of Hyacinth coffee roasted by Denny Peseau in Seattle, black and herbal tea from Friday Afternoon Tea, Baba Yaga's Tote of wondrous items, a special BackerKit-exclusive pin, and Rae Nedjadi will run a game of Twilight Throne & The Houses of Ruin with you online before the con!
Little Red's Cottage with Grant Howitt

Little Red's Cottage with Grant Howitt

4 remaining
This is everything! Get a 4-day badge to attend Big Bad Con, a sampling of Hyacinth coffee roasted by Denny Peseau in Seattle, black and herbal tea from Friday Afternoon Tea, Baba Yaga's Tote of wondrous items, a special BackerKit-exclusive pin, and Grant Howitt will run a game of Sexy Battle Wizards with you online before the con!
Convention Sponsorship

Convention Sponsorship

20 Backers
Become one of our our official convention sponsors. Your contribution will be split between supporting the general funds and our scholarship program.