Burning Light Press
2 months ago

Project Update: Post-Campaign Update

Hey folks!

It’s been a few days since Mothership Month ended and it seemed a good time to send out an email thanking everyone for their support and letting you all know what’s next. You’ve probably been bombarded with emails over the last few weeks, so I’ll try to keep this brief.

Firstly, THANK YOU ALL for being a part of this. Whether you grabbed a few small products, or dived fully into Mothership Month, your support is beyond amazing! The enthusiasm for this thing has been incredibly humbling, especially with everyone keeping the event going for over 48hrs past its due date. 

Again, thank you all.

What Next?

Pledge Collection: Most pledges have been collected. If yours has failed for one reason or another, Backerkit will try again on day 7 and 14. After that you’ll need to fix the pledge in the Pledge Manager. You can manually correct issues (such as wrong card) through your account. Feel free to shoot me a message if you need any help. 

Pledge Manager: I’ll be setting this up during the week, with it hopefully being shared next week. Keep an eye on your emails.

Timeline: With all the extra content and stretch goals we hit (9 in total, including 6 extra cross-promotion bounty cards) the realistic completion of digital files is now looking more likely to be JAN, not the end of DEC. A lot is done, but there are a lot of small things that have been added to the to-do list, and it’s a busy month as everyone can understand. PHYSICAL delivery should hopefully be underway by the end of JAN or early FEB. I’ll keep you updated.

Shipping Costs: With the addition of so many add-ons, I would hazard a guess that shipping might be $1-2 more than stated on the main story. It won’t be a huge increase, but I won’t know the exact numbers until I have all the products together. I’ll keep you updated on this too.

That’s it for now. I’ll shoot an update out before the end of year, and hopefully early JAN you can get your hands on the PDF files.

- Dan.
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