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Hello, I received my parquet for "Cildren Of Cain" today. Both books start with good quality books and are in the parquet. But I am very surprised. First of all, what happened to the stretch goals? Shouldn't there be physical ones too? The Children of Cain was one of the important high promises.
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Hello, What about the other card decks in PDF format? I ordered all the physical decks and I only received the Disgracie decks in PDF format. Would it be possible to have the others available, thank you.
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So, I received my Elder-level pledge today. While both books are unquestionably good quality, I'm confused about a couple of things. Firstly, what happened to the stretch goals? Aren't there supposed to be some physical ones? How do I access the digital ones? Secondly, and more interestingly, I have combed both books over and over and I don't see the backer names printed anywhere. Why advertise that you are going to print our names if you aren't going to? While I still fully support MET in their endeavor to bring V5 to life through LARP, between the fact that I almost received this before the War of Ages book that was ultimately pretty lame for how much if cost, I'm starting to lose faith in this company's ability to fulfill its promises.
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All the USPS has on their website has posted is that the package is in Florida. I paid a lot of money for the books that I purchased and now it appears that I might never get what I paid for. Breanna
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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I Pledged Methuselah+ and 3 extra softcovers as Add Ons. I only got my pledge items not the 3 extra books. Please don't tell me they are shipping separately at extra cost!!