Crystal T.
9 months ago

Project Update: 88% of surveys are complete!

We're moving right along with surveys and as of this writing, we have 48 outstanding. Thank you to everyone who has gotten your survey completed! Our goal is to get at least 90% of surveys completed before we feel confident about counts in order to start submitting orders to the manufacturers. The deadline for surveys is June 30th, but the sooner we can get to at least 90%, the sooner we can start ordering.

Additionally, we fixed an issue with surveys for pledge tiers that included "One of Every Pin Design." If you pledged for one of the tiers that included that option, you should now see a 6-pin bundle line item in your cart. This bundle is for the pins that don't need you to make a color choice. No action is needed on your part, but let us know if your cart does not include that (or is missing anything else that you expect to see). If you have any outstanding questions or concerns, please send over an email to [email protected] and we'll get it sorted. 

Fun fact time! We love seeing which designs and items everyone is choosing! If you like to geek out on this info, too, here are the top 3 pin designs right now:
  1. Never Raven
  2. The More You No
  3. Nope Ascendent

That's it for now. We should be on pace for fulfillment in late August, but will update you again once we have orders placed and receive a timeline from the manufacturers.





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