CatHead Pins
10 months ago

Project Update: Post Campaign Information!

Thank you again everyone! The campaign ended last week and cards are being charged. We still have about 14 cards that have failed so please double check your payment information and correct it. 
Surveys will go out in a week or so when I'm allowed to send them out, in the mean time I will open the pre order store for anyone who wanted to make an order but couldn't back the campaign. 

With surveys its very important to fill them out as soon as you get them so I can get an accurate count to order the proper amount of items. 

Unrelated to this campaign but I'm working on my ita bag color kickstarter that will be launching in May! I produced my own coffin slime ita Bags and I'm almost out of the current stock I have. So im doing a kickstarter to fund new colors and a restock. As well as several new designs so keep an eye out for that. 
Also unrelated but if your in the rock hill, South Carolina area, I'm teaching stained glass classes this summer. My cathead Facebook page has more details. 

Thank yall again! 
Will be in contact soon. 




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