Central Michigan University Press
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Updates: Add-on and Shipping Charges, Digital Rewards

Hi everyone, 

We have some updates for you on a few matters. 

The games are currently on a boat making its way to the Port of New York. We expect them to be States-side and at our warehouse in February.

Add-on and Shipping Charges

We will be locking down orders and the Preorder Store soon (you'll see a 48-hour notice from Backerkit after this update). Once the 48-hours is up, we will be charging credit cards for any add-ons and preorders that were made since we sent out surveys last fall. Credit cards will be charged some time on Friday, January 24. If there are any changes you wish to make to your survey responses or any add-ons you wish to purchase, you should do so before your order locks on Wednesday and cards are charged on Friday. Also, for the small handful of you who haven't responded to your survey yet, you should take care of that soon. 

Please note: this charge on Friday is only for add-ons and preorders. We are not charging for shipping just yet. Once the games reach our warehouse, we'll get the shipping costs locked down and added to your Backerkit account so you can review them before we charge for those as well. Once that step is completed, we'll begin fulfillment of the physical rewards. This will start up in February some time. 

Digital Rewards

Once we lock orders and collect for add-ons and preorders, we'll be able to release some of the digital rewards as part of this campaign. Add-on curriculum guides and print & play PDFs will be distributed through Backerkit. We're still locking down how the digital version of the E2E core gamebook will be distributed to you all through our distribution partner VitalSource, but once we have that settled (and the codes generated), we'll release those to you as well.

The Instructor's Manual reward is still in layout, so that'll come after we finish fulfillment on the physical rewards, but should you need access to them in draft form, please reach out ([email protected]), and we'll see what we can do.

Stay steady, everybody!






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