The Squire

  • ×1
    The Mason of New Orleans, autographed, in print
  • ×1
    The Angel of Ecbatana, autographed, in print
  • ×1
    The Mason of New Orleans audiobook
  • ×1
    The Angel of Ecbatana audiobook
  • ×1
    The Mason of New Orleans in ebook format
  • ×1
    The Angel of Ecbatana in ebook format
  • ×1
    Complete set of all six character art prints
Subhead: The Squire

Halberd guy was two steps closer. The guy on the ground had gotten a knee under him, and his hand had found his axe.

But the third guy had frozen.

It was a good move. Suddenly the world was filled with sound and motion; a horse-borne Cyril pounded between me and the halberd dude. Cyril’s body was twisted away from me, shoulders curved as his arm described a graceful, downward stroke like he was playing polo. I didn’t see the strike—the horse blocked the view—but as Cyril pounded past, halberd guy was already staggering backward, his head and shoulders cocked at a crazy angle. There was a lot of blood.

Cyril is a squire—an apprentice knight, if you will. Like all apprentices of the era (and every era, am I right?) he gets a lot of the shit work—saddling the horse, cleaning the armor, schlepping stuff around—but he's also gaining the skills of his trade. As the squire of Sieur Stephan, he's nearing the end of his training, and he's keen to show the world what he can do.


At this level you get both The Mason of New Orleans and The Angel of Ecbatana in all three formats funded by this campaign: the exclusive upgraded print version, the audiobook, and the ebook. Your physical books will be autographed (by me, to be clear, not some rando).

The physical books are in trade paperback format, but through stretch goals I'd love to upgrade them to hardcover, and perhaps even add some nice deluxe features.

You'll get the print version of The Mason of New Orleans in early 2025. The Angel of Ecbatana will deliver later in the year. Ebooks will deliver earlier, and the audiobooks are scattered hither and yon. Here's when to expect everything:

  • You'll get the existing, original edition of The Mason of New Orleans ebook shortly after the pledge manager closes.
  • The new, upgraded edition of that ebook will deliver in late 2024. (The text won't change significantly, though, so you don't have to wait for this if you want to get reading right away.)
  • The audiobook of The Mason of New Orleans will also deliver in late 2024.
  • The print version will be ready in early 2025.
  • Look for the ebook of The Angel of Ecbatana in 2025.
  • With the audiobook and the print version following a little while later.

See the main page for details on all this timing.

As a special thanks for your support, you also get a complete set of six art prints depicting Martin, Madeleine, Celestine, Gaspard, Stephan, and Juliana.

You'll pay shipping for physical products through the pledge manager. Product shots are mockups; final items may look different.

(This excerpt is continued from The Ascetic pledge level. You can start at the beginning in The Reeve pledge level.)

In just that few moments the smoke in the hall had started getting dense. I coughed as I stepped through the doorway. My eyes were starting to sting. I took two steps toward the window when suddenly a burning mass dropped to the floor in front of me. I glanced up—flames, big yellow ones now, were spreading and growing through the thatch even in the brief moment I watched. Not just here, but in two or three other spots as well.

Tossing the iron bar toward the window, I ran the few steps to my chair and grabbed it with both hands. Bits of burning straw were falling around me, like some surreal snowfall. I manhandled the heavy chair over to the window.


I slapped at a searing pain in my neck. Bits of thatch were landing on me now. I patted out two or three little flames on my sleeves, then grabbed my bar.

Not five feet away a flaming cascade suddenly plummeted to the floor, an inverse geyser of fire and collapsing thatch. A wave of scalding air washed over me.

“Oh crap oh crap oh crap.”

I clambered onto the chair and shoved my bar between the staves. I hadn’t realized how hot and smokey the air had become, but here by the window I was breathing pure sweet coolness. I wrenched my bar, the force pushing one stave out as it pried another inward. It was tough, but they were giving. I was going to get out of there.

Then suddenly there was pain. I dropped my bar, pulling my hand back and tumbling backward onto the floor. Blood was running down my hand. Up at the window, the tines of a pitchfork jabbed through staves, then withdrew.

“What the fuck?” I bellowed. “What the holy fuck!”

The floor rushes around me were burning now. Here and there, in patches, but they’d all be ablaze soon. More thatch was tumbling down, little firebombs of liquid heat. It was all tindery stuff—the walls were stone, for the most part, and aside from the rafters and sparse furnishings there wasn’t much solid fuel. It would only take a few minutes for this fire to run its course, but for those few minutes it would be hotter than a pizza oven in here.

And I’d be a charred corpse.

What do you think? Shish kabob? Or is Martin going to make it? Read more of this scene in The Patron pledge level.

The Squire


12 Backers