Claudia Blood
14 days ago

Project Update: Last call for early bird rewards and art update

Hi All!

Early bird rewards are going away soon!  Don's miss your chance.

Update on Art.  

The artist thinks she will have the first batch of character art done for me Sunday!  I am so excited.  Want to see some art she did on a different project?

Gorgeous am I right? 

Stretch goal!

We are soooo close.  The next goal is more art to choose from for the stickers!   I added a poll to see if what you would rather have.  More characters or demons (you can choose chibi!)

Wait you have Demons?????

Why yes I do.... This is from when Matilda first sees the demons:

One of the windows in the corner was broken. She held her breath and watched, not quite sure what she was waiting for. A dark shape that looked to be a cross between an old earth cat and a lizard slithered in through the broken window. Stiff black fur tipped with bright fluorescent colors covered its body and a long tail trailed out the window. This one was mostly blues.

Matilda’s heart thrummed. 

Demons had made it inside the house.

A squeal drew Matilda’s gaze to Sheila. She stood frozen by her bed. Her eyes were wide and panicked. Even though she was little, she’d seen firsthand what happened if you ran from demons.

Matilda stepped slowly toward Sheila. The demon ignored them. Once Matilda reached the girl, she put her hand on the girl’s shoulder. Sheila shivered with the contact. Matilda drew her hand back.

Another demon entered the room; this one had green tones over the black. The first sat, seeming to ignore them. Its blue tongue lapped out, washing its bright blue claws. Its disinterest was an illusion; if they were to run, the demon would pounce. It was far quicker than any human. Matilda might be able to get away, but there was no way both she and Sheila would escape.

Check out my partner project!

That's it for now! 
Have a great day!
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