Latest from the Creator
Nicholas Ambrose
15 days ago
All that glitters...
Hello all! Nic here for another short update; TDLR things are starting to arrive! We've got the map template posters, postcards, and the special editions at IPR. The cards, ...
Nicholas Ambrose
about 1 month ago
Everything is ordered!
Hello all! Nicholas here. January was simultaneously 500 years long and also is already over, so that was fun! Our layout artist had a few medical emergencies this month an...
Sylvan Lawrence
3 months ago
Delays, Gratitudes, Legends
Hey folks, Sylvan here! First things first: my profuse apologies for not updating all of you sooner! It has been a crazy couple of weeks over at Clawhammer, not to mention t...
Nicholas Ambrose
4 months ago
What's here, what's leaving, and what's coming soon!
Hello everyone! Nicholas here.  Who could’ve expected that going to Big Bad Con and then Metatopia not even a week later would knock me out so badly?  (Everyone. Ever...
Sylvan Lawrence
5 months ago
Surveys Locking, Big Bad Con, The Book
Hey folks, Sylvan here! Quick update to cover a few key things. First and foremost, surveys are locking in 24 hours, so please please fill out your survey if you haven't already...
Sylvan Lawrence
5 months ago
October Update: Backerkit Surveys, the Zine(tm), Big Bad
Hey folks, Sylvan here! Seemingly with a finger snap, September has come to an end. Rolling, roiling, boiling heat has cascaded down from the foothills and washed over my home ...
Nicholas Ambrose
15 days ago

Project Update: All that glitters...

Hello all! Nic here for another short update; TDLR things are starting to arrive!

We've got the map template posters, postcards, and the special editions at IPR. The cards, boxes, and Book of Legend should be here soon as well!

Pictures are worth a thousand feathers, or however that saying goes, so here's some shinies for you: 

Backerkit doesn't support videos, so if you would like to get a proper look at just how pretty the deluxe edition is head over to my Bluesky:

Thank you all for your continued patience! I'll post again once everything else has arrived. We expect for the boxes, cards, and trifolds to arrive by the end of next week, at which point we'll start assembling all of the boxed editions. Thank you for your continued patience!





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Nicholas Ambrose
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Everything is ordered!

Hello all! Nicholas here.

January was simultaneously 500 years long and also is already over, so that was fun! Our layout artist had a few medical emergencies this month and during December which delayed things, and there was a long-running miscommunication at IPR that was entirely my fault. Sylvan also ran into some hair-raising customer service hell with Stripe, but the good news is that everything is ordered, from boxes to cards to postcards and more, and scheduled to arrive at IPR mid-Feburary, at which point fulfillment will start for every single tier.

The signed and annotated copies will take a little bit longer, because I will have to mail them to Sylvan, at which point they'll mark the books up and mail them back to me, but everything else will be shipping the moment it arrives at the warehouse.

Apologies for all the delays, and thank you all for being patient with us. The next update should include many pictures of all the above mentioned items!

All the best,
Nic and co





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Sylvan Lawrence
3 months ago

Project Update: Delays, Gratitudes, Legends

Hey folks, Sylvan here!

First things first: my profuse apologies for not updating all of you sooner! It has been a crazy couple of weeks over at Clawhammer, not to mention the busyness of all our day jobs. Regardless, it's not fair to keep you waiting to hear from us, and although there are likely not many more updates to be had in the future, I will do my best to be more prompt with them. Today's agenda includes three main components: Delays, Gratitudes, and Legends.


Due to a variety of complicating factors, we're going to have to push back our fulfillment  until early/mid January. Our original timeline was ambitious, but it's really important to me that the team can take their time and get everything perfect than to rush even a single aspect of the product. I'm confident that when you see the finished product, you'll feel the same way. It's possible that we'll have books and boxes shipped out even sooner than mid January, but I don't want to make promises.

That being said, fulfillment for the basic tiers is starting this week. IPR has been in con season, which means that they've been running all around the country for weeks on end with nary a moment to rest (bless their hearts), but with Pax Unplugged concluding this past weekend, they're back to their usual schedule and can proceed with BTF fulfillment.


With the holiday season comes the obligatory period of light, warmth, and comfort that contrasts the cold and dark of the outside world. Personally, I've always loved winter--it's my favorite season, and I am at my happiest during the shortest days of the year. It's times like this that make me especially grateful for all of you. Making art, especially art that requires a group of audience members, can feel both lonely and isolating. Games are only games once they are played, and it can often seem like when I am writing, I am tossing ideas off a cliff and hoping someone at the bottom will walk by and catch one.

So... thanks for catching one. Thank you for sticking around. Thank you for being you, and for supporting countless other artists just like me, like Nic, like Reese and MC and Dominique.


It's finally time: I am proud to announce our Book of Legend guest writers! Aside from Nic and myself, our guest contributors are:
The work that these three have done on the book already is outstanding, and I'm more and more excited about the final product every day. It's also looking like the book may be even longer than we initially anticipated... instead of 50 pages, we might be looking at closer to 75 or 100!

Thank you again for all of your patience and understanding. Stay safe, stay warm, stay bright.

With lantern lit and fireplace roaring,
user avatar image for Nicholas Ambrose





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Nicholas Ambrose
4 months ago

Project Update: What's here, what's leaving, and what's coming soon!

Hello everyone! Nicholas here. 

Who could’ve expected that going to Big Bad Con and then Metatopia not even a week later would knock me out so badly? 

(Everyone. Everyone expected this. Except me, full of gaming hubris.)

But I don’t regret it! They’re the two best cons in the US, in my opinion, and I had a fantastic time at both. We even ran Before the Flood at Big Bad, which was incredible. It’s going to take me a while to get over the rush of other people playing and having fun with something I made. 

(Pst. Speaking of which, have you listened to the Gamewoven Before the Flood episodes? You should! They’re really, really good.)

In any case, onto business. The regular ol’ Before the Flood physical copies arrived safe and sound at IPR right before I headed out for Big Bad, and we’re going to start getting everything ready to send those out this week. If that’s all you ordered, look out for an email with a tracking number soon! 

Everything else, including the foil versions, playing card, tarot, poster, Book of Legend, ect, are getting finished up this week as well. I’ve got some fantastic artwork from Reese to show you on those accounts! 

We’re looking to get those ordered and delivered to IPR by the end of this month, and (hopefully) shipped out before the holidays. 

I’ll see y’all at the end of this week with an update on how everything I’ve outlined has gone entirely and perfectly to plan, as they always do with crowdfunding projects (did someone say something about hubris earlier?). 

ps. Sylvan and I have both moved off of Twitter entirely. If you're looking for us on social media, come join us on Bluesky! and





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There are three PDFs: two are spreads and one is not. Are both spreads the same?






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