about 2 years ago

Project Update: Cards Charging Today! & Progress Photos

Hey everyone!

Payment Processing

Quick reminder that cards are charging today for shipping & add-ons if you have completed the survey. If there is any issue with payment processing, you will get an email from Backerkit to update your info. 


If you have any questions specific to your order please reach out to me directly at [email protected] and include the email you used in Backerkit so that I can identify your order. Comments here are fine for general questions, I'll try to answer everything as soon as I can. If you want to check on your order info, or need to access your survey you can do so here: I'm still waiting on about 150 people to complete the survey, you can also access it through that link. 


I'm nearly ready to ship out orders that have ONLY: pins, stickers, washi tape, and the crow, chick, and dove ita bags from my previous project. This accounts for about 10% of orders. I will lock addresses for these orders ONLY over the next week or so. All other addresses will remain unlocked for editing until I am closer to shipping. I had already ordered a restock of crow bags prior to this project so they are now here. Everything else is still on schedule for the timeline I have posted on the main page. 

Progress Photos!

Bag screenprints for the first batch

Keychains - follow me on twitter for a constant barrage of birds!

Thanks for reading and have a nice Monday :)
Rachel / Corviforms




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