George Williams
10 months ago

Project Update: Surveys Are Out!! THE TIME FOR RECKONING IS UPON US!!

Hello again everyone!

As the title suggestions, I sent out the survey for everyone yesterday. If you haven't gotten the chance, please fill that out asap! The sooner I get the surveys filled out, the sooner we can order pins! If you lost the survey email no worries! I will send out a reminder email that should have a new link. If you would like it even sooner, you can message or email me to send you a new link!

Other updates; In case you haven't checked out the add-on store yet, there are new add ons! If you didn't purchase from both Kristen and I's campaign, you can still get the Comet Planet pin! You'll just have to add it on to your order! You will also be able to purchase some other fun goodies, like the new Lil Guy pin! I hope you guys like him, thank you again to Kristen for putting his vector together!

As for Neopet Comet, this design is a 48 hour backer freebie, but it will be available for purchase on the add on shop. I am currently working on the design and will have it ready by the end of the week. You can edit add ons until I lock orders, so feel free to check back when he is done to see if you would like him!

That is all for now. I will send out another email when we are close to the deadline, as well as when I finish Neopet Comet! Thank you all again for supporting my campaign, and thank you to those who bought add ons! I am very excited to get these pins into your hands! If you are feeling generous, please share your orders and pledges on your socials! I will be posting my pre order store link in a few places, so if you know anyone who would like my pins you can direct them there!

Thank you again everyone and I will talk to you soon <33




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