Creature Curation
4 months ago

Project Update: Labor Strike causing unknown delays

Hello trusty backers,

You may have already seen this from other crowdfunding projects, or heard it on the news, but there is currently a strike going on along the eastern seaport of the US. That will have a direct impact on this project as it is set to dock in Savannah, Georgia. I am currently waiting to hear back from my logistics partner, but it could be a little while before we know when these books will make it to port. For more info on the strike, read the AP article here

I am hopeful they can come to an agreement quickly and things can get back on track. 

Kelly and Dave are continuing to work on their adventures and I will be getting my bonus stretch goal content sent your way in November. 


Since you're here, there are a number of new projects that launched today by friends that I need to get on your radar.

Ninja Borg

This one is put together by two greats! Walton Wood and Rugose Kohn. If you've picked up any Vast Grimm project after the core book, Walt has been involved. Ninja Borg is ridiculously funny in all the right ways.

One Last Fight

I dig the aesthetic on this and it looks really fun to play, especially for those who may not be into RPGs like we are

Now this one didn't launch today, but I have to give a mention to my friends over at Limithron! Pirate Borg is taking the seas by storm! If you haven't checked out their project, it has already broken half a million and is still kicking ass! I'm so thrilled to see everything they are accomplishing.

Pirate Borg: Down Among the Dead


Last on today's docket is Chainsaw! This RPG look KILLER and there are only a few days left. Don't miss this one

So now that you are emptying your bank accounts into these great games, I will restrain myself from posting any more campaigns. 

I will be back with more news about Shipping once I hear anything. 
Thank you,




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