6 months ago

Project Update: Letters from the Frontier, #5 (NSFW)

Greetings Matron,

By sunrise, I will arrive at Crownhill, ready to face the supernatural entity that resides there. The conductor of this ghostrail is an overly chatty fellow, but I don’t mind the living company much. It’s a welcome change from the chilly reception I’ve received from the living dead so far.

The Frontier remains more mystery than mapped, harsh and unforgiving. You and I both know the first forty-eight hours investigating a murder or disappearance is crucial. And, we are well aware that recruiting friends when facing demonic familiars is of equal importance.

So I’m sending you this letter in hopes that you can send reinforcements my way.

Finally, while I enjoyed the literature you placed in my suitcase, please reprimand Imperial Wizard Pierre swiftly! I know he was the last to possess that grimoire.

While thumbing through the historical document, vulgarities slipped from the pages and gave my fellow passengers quite a fright! I worried they’d meet their untimely ends a second time by the looks on their ghastly faces.

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Time is short, and so I must end my musings. Until we meet again, Dear Matron, I endeavor to never allow the Department of Magic and Alchemy to be disgraced. Your faith in my abilities fills me with gratitude  more than you’ll ever know.

Your Most Humble and Obedient Servant,

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