Staniforth Games
7 months ago

Project Update: Thank you!! I'll be back 😁

First and foremost i want to thank everyone who backed and supported Impossible Dungeon during this campaign! It means a lot and i have 100% enjoyed this experience!!

Sadly Impossible Dungeon was not a successful campaign (This Time) but I have learned so much and know what to do to improve next time.
(And also had many more ideas regarding the game - spin offs - other games etc)

Changes for next time:

I was never happy with the cost being so high, So instead of doing a small run i will increase my required qty to have a successful campaign. (yes that means i need more backers)  but i can get the game manufactured in bulk so there will be a cost saving... thus a cheaper price for backers 😊

A video showing game play! I have had a few comments regarding a lack of a video so that will be a top addition to the next cmapign.

Location and Footfall:
It seems Backerkit doesnt have a large footfall compared to the more well known crowdfuning platforms. So to make sure i can be successful i will have to take on more fees by using a more well known platform like Kickstarter.

Delivery costs:
Time to be shrewed and try to cut costs as much as possible, which includes weight of parcels, buying in bulk packing materials and finally looking for the cheapest option to get the games out to backers so its cheaper for you.

I really want my game to go out to the public so i will not be giving up, every day i can improve and adapt and i hope that you will all join me in the future.

As soon as i am ready to go live i will post an update for anyone still interested in Impossible Dungeon 😁😁😁

Once again, thank you to everyone who has been on this journey with me.





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