Hi all, just posting an additional update to give the new estimated Timeline for fulfillment. The new estimated delivery will be in DECEMBER 2025. Please review below what st...
Dandy Puppeteer
4 days ago
Colorway Update: All Colors Completed, Survey incoming!
Hello hello, so happy to finally share this update! Lavender x Black, Lavender x White, and Cheshire have finally been completed.
Lavender x Black
Lavender x White
Dandy Puppeteer
about 2 months ago
Very Quick Update! Small colorway progress
Hi all, just wanted to post an update since it's been a few months of quiet. Last update, I mentioned that the remaining colorways: Harlequin, Cheshire, Black x Lavender & Wh...
Dandy Puppeteer
4 months ago
Colorway Updates: Lavender Progress & Harlequin
Hello hello, time for another update! Thanks so much for everyone's comments on the last post regarding the lavender ribbon. I received Lavender x White & Cheshire in the ...
Dandy Puppeteer
5 months ago
Colorway Updates
Dandy Puppeteer
6 months ago
New Colorways Sample Photos
Hi everyone! Wanted to pop-in to bring in updates! We're still refining some of the colorways so I'll explain how progress is going!
Finished Colorways
• Pink x Black
This ...
Hi all, just posting an additional update to give the new estimated Timeline for fulfillment. The new estimated delivery will be in DECEMBER 2025. Please review below what still needs to be done.
APRIL 2025: Final Samples mailed to me, Backerkit survey sent to backers May 2025: Collecting Backerkit survey answers June 2025: Bulk order placed/Plush Safety testing July 2025: Plush Safety testing August 2025: Plush Safety testing/Production September 2025: Production October 2025: Production November 2025: Shipment to Me DECEMBER 2025: Receive Goods/Inspect/Shipment to Backers
I know this is a much farther timeline than originally estimated so if anyone would like to not wait anymore, please reach out so we can discuss refund options. There were a few people who contacted me about changes to addresses, please be assured it'll still be handled. Any questions about this, please let me know!
Hello hello, so happy to finally share this update! Lavender x Black, Lavender x White, and Cheshire have finally been completed.
Lavender x Black
Lavender x White Cheshire
We finally were able to get a lavender I'm satisfied with. It's not an exact match due to the nature of printing but I don't think it's anywhere near as jarring as it was before. I think this light lavender matches the more saturated lavender pretty well!
To recap all the colors:
Pink x White Ivory x Gray Wine x Black Lavender x Black Lavender x White Sax x White
Pink x Black
Cheshire Harlequin
The bags are going to get sent to me for final review then we can proceed with the bulk order! And now that all the colors are completed, the survey can finally be sent out as well. Within the next week or so, a smoke test for the survey will go out to a small handful of backers to make sure everything's okay and then the rest of backers will receive the remaining surveys shortly after. When you receive the survey, you'll be able to pick your colorway selection for the bag and for the stickers, it'll help me understand how many of each colorway I should order.
Thank you again so much for your patience as we continued sampling! It took many months but I'm happy with how all the final colors turned out. And I'm very curious to see which colors will end up being the most popular. That's it for now, thank you! :)
Hi all, just wanted to post an update since it's been a few months of quiet. Last update, I mentioned that the remaining colorways: Harlequin, Cheshire, Black x Lavender & White x Lavender were still being worked on. I don't have much to share because there hasn't been a lot of progress since the holidays but I want to still share how it's going!
Cheshire's nose was fixed so it's now dark pink instead of red! The lavender on the fish and saddle have not been updated yet to reflect the final lavender ribbon.
Harlequin's eyes were made white finally and the alternating color gems & pompoms were added to the crown.
My plush manufacturer has returned back from their holiday so we will resume development this month! Once we finalize the printed lavender shade to match the ribbon, Cheshire, Black x Lavender, and White x Lavender can be completed. I'll post again when these are finished!
With all the colorways being unlocked, what I thought would be a 2 month process has taking several months but it's almost there. Thanks so much for waiting!
Hello hello, time for another update! Thanks so much for everyone's comments on the last post regarding the lavender ribbon. I received Lavender x White & Cheshire in the mail so I could review the lavender ribbon in person to come to a conclusion. I'll share my thoughts below and the anticipated changes. But first...
Ivory x Gray
Very simple quick change, the gems where changed from brown to gray so I think this one is perfect and good to go!
Lavender (White & Black) & Cheshire
So I was sent two cats in order to check the lavender ribbon in person and seeing them in person really clarifies why I've been having trouble with developing. For the sake of keeping things clear, I'm going to refer to the old lavender ribbon as "orchid" and the new lavender ribbon as "thistle". When I was sent the original photos of the orchid ribbon, it looked extremely warm, especially in comparison to the nose. It also didn't match my Pantone colors at all for lavender, which are used to define the colors of the saddle and the fish. So with that in mind, we changed to thistle. In my manu photos it looks really dusty & gray, in person however, thistle is just a very dark cool lavender. It's a lavender I really really like and it matches the nose & saddle extremely well.
It's not a lavender that shows up often or very well in lolita though, with most lavenders leaning in the brighter direction. There's a pretty notable difference between the two with orchid being just a softer more bright lavender. I'd ideally like to match what I've already used before and when I compare to the leather products Dandy Puppeteer has made before, as well as the zipper (which cannot change) it's clear that orchid matches best. You can see below the difference between changing from thistle to the original orchid ribbon on Cheshire. A small note but also noticed that Cheshire's nose is red and not dark pink, we have to confirm there's no dark pink available)
Keeping in mind matching what I've created before in the past and just in general what will work with sweet lolita specifically as these are a very "sweet" style bag, I will be moving back to orchid with all 3 lavender ribbon cats and additionally, changing my Pantone colors to better reflect this ribbon. The fish and saddle will reflect these changes with the next update. I just need to decide if I want to go lighter for a lighter fish face or darker for the body. If I go darker, the fish will better match the shoulder strap and nose (since this is the only purple available) so I'm leaning in that direction!
Finally time to share some photos of Harlequin! We were finally able to source a diamond pattern ribbon, the key difference though is that it is grosgrain NOT satin like the other ribbons. It's also slightly wider in size and not double-sided. If you're interested in this colorway, please be aware that it'll be different. Harlequin is about 80% there. We had the issue again where the eyes were made the wrong color, they're supposed to be white felt instead of the gold. Additionally, the nose should also be white but if we can't source white, it'll have to stay gray. I think a black nose would just be too lost in the fur. It's also missing the gems at the moment because they need to order more. The pom-poms will be changed to the alternating black & white as well. And lastly, we just need to confirm the tassel lace is black and white, not black and gold like the other colorways.
We're getting need the end of the colorway development. I'm really hoping I can get the survey out to you guys before the end of the year. I don't want to rush my manufacturer when they've been patiently filling out every single detail (and there's a lot of details, ribbons, gems, color changes, etc) so I hope you all can please just wait a tiny bit longer. :)
Thanks so much for your patience, I'll share another update soon! :)
Hello! Wanted to share another update regarding how things are going! In my last post, I talked about difficulties we were having with the lavender colorways and also some changes that needed to be made to the ivory and gray colorway.
Ivory x Gray
The eyes and paws were fixed, now we have a nice cool face that matches way better! I'm unsure how I feel about the bronze gems on the crowns, I might switch them to gray if we can source them. Otherwise this one is now officially done!
Lavender (White & Black)
These two are still in a weird territory. The new cool tone ribbon matches the Pantone colors I picked for the fish and saddle way more but it does have more of a muted feel. The nylon strap is also not available in a similar color. We found one more cool than before but it stands out quite a bit. I'm going to have one of them mailed to me so I can better review the color differences it in person.
I'd love to hear your thoughts for those interested in either lavender colorway if you preferred the original "warm" ribbon that more matched the strap or the new "cool" ribbon that matches the saddle!
We updated Cheshire to have the same cool tone lavender ribbon as the other two!
Still no previews yet on Harlequin sorry, my manu is still having a hard time sourcing a harlequin patterned ribbon so we might need to proceed with custom printing it ourselves.
All the colorways together! (Except Pink x White & Wine x Black as I have those at home. Cheshire has the old "warm" lavender ribbon in these photos)
It's honestly sooo cool seeing them all mostly lined up like this. It's been a lot of development the last several months but we're approaching the finish line before bulk production can begin! I wanted to wait until all the colorways were officially complete but I get questions about the survey so I wanted to ask, do you guys want me to send the survey without having the final versions of the bags complete? I'm nervous about doing it in case any other changes need to happen but I know it's been several months now so I'm curious to hear what you guys think?
Speaking of, the original timeline for the campaign was supposed to be December 2024. But with us hitting all the stretch goals and increasing the amount of colorways from 5 to 9, we're spending way more time developing each colorway (as each has been taking around 1-2 months to develop). So I anticipate the new delivery date will be sometime in May/June 2025. So sorry for the wait, I hope this isn't too disappointing. I really want all of the cats and their respective colors to come out well so we're spending the extra time making sure everything's good.