Pinify My Pet: Custom Colorway

Do you have a beloved pet, favorite morph, or fantasy colors you'd like to have pins of? Let's make it happen! This limited reward level will give you the following:
  • 10 pins of a custom colorway*
  • Five (5) more pins from any unlocked design
  • Three (3) FREE sticker sheets
  • Voting access on polls
  • Exclusive backer-only updates

  • Custom colorways are limited to the following species: ball python, fancy rat, kingsnake, and isopod.
  • You will be contacted after the campaign ends to coordinate your design. To avoid delays, you MUST respond within fourteen (14) days or you will forfeit the custom portion of your order; I will send multiple reminders.
  • Limit of up to three (3) enamel colors and three (3) screenprint colors. You can choose the colors and patterns or send me visual reference and I will design the colorway accordingly. The colorway can be natural, selectively-bred, or fantastical at your discretion. I will allow up to two (2) revisions.
  • The colorway may not contain trademarked symbols, text, etc unless you own the trademark in question. It may not contain offensive, obscene, or inflammatory imagery. Text must be kept to an absolute bare minimum - at most, initials or an anagram.
  • Sizing and metal frame will remain consistent with the standard designs.
  • I, Tom "DefilerWyrm" Sims, retain all rights to the artwork and pin design created for this reward level. I reserve the right to sell additional pins of this colorway. However, the custom colorway will be a limited edition and once they are all sold, there will be no additional ones made.

Pinify My Pet: Custom Colorway


3 remaining