about 1 month ago

Project Update: 30: Well, Speaking of Delays

Sorry for the lack of updates, folks. It's been a nutty time: surgery and recovery from that, several bouts of illness, the holidays...and massive, massive burnout.

The good news here is, I have the pins, I have everything I need, they're all fine. It just needs to be packaged up and sent off. The less-good news is it feels like there's a goddamn brick wall standing between me and Doing the Damn Thing that's also projecting nausea waves at me whenever I get close to it. And it's one of those things where it snowballs, you know: the longer it takes for me to push past the stress and nausea and just get it done, the worse the dread becomes.

me @ me

You're not gonna miss out, the project's not cancelled, I just have to...find a way to climb the wall. And I will. Sooner or later (gods, let it be sooner) I'll have a high-functioning, many-spooned day and just sit down and goddamn do it and then feel stupid about how long it took me to do so but it'll be done. Sorry. >< I know the waiting sucks for all of us.

But yeah, this is why I'm not doing Pintopia 2025. I need to get my damn head on straight and deliver this set before I can even contemplate starting another project.

So yeah uh. That's where I'm at. 




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