Bob Carnicom
6 months ago

Project Update: Fulfillment Schedule Poll!

Hey folks!

We are up to 86% of you have filled out your surveys! Great work, and keep it up. Also a reminder, if you find any typos or issues with the PDFs we distributed last week (CYST, Horror Core, and The Diner), let us know at [email protected] or here in the comments. 

Thank you everyone for the feedback on CYST and to those who found a handful of typos. Dave is working through these typos now, and working on The Arcade and Xanthophobia. We are taking in your feedback because we want to make sure you all are receiving a quality product. So, it's poll time! 

Originally, we planned to print books here in the US with a fulfillment time of mid-April. We received the proofs for CYST and showed them off at GAMA Expo in Louisville to retailers and distributors. The proofs look good and are well made, but they do not have some quality improvements like tailbands, bookmark, color end sheets, gloss/foil cover stamping, and smythe sewn binding. So, in short, we can make a nicer looking book...with an extended fulfillment timeline if we print overseas. Also, with a longer timeline, we will have time to add in your feedback to the book (specifically around Abigail not clearly being in Acts 2 and 3). 

Simply put, we can fix the typos and print the book based on the proofs we received if we fulfill at the end of April (1 month). Or, we can delay fulfillment by 4-6 months and print overseas with the added in component upgrades, plus add in more of your feedback. Let us know in the poll below, and as always provide your thoughts in the comments! 

Tomorrow, Dave and I are going to review these results and comments and make a game plan. That is all for now, looking forward to hearing from you!
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