about 12 hours ago

Project Update: The Best of DMDave - Shrine of the Emperor of Bones (FREE)

So this is going to sound weird.

I've been thinking for a while about how to make my business more "modern."

It's a weird idea, but here goes...

What if I just gave away some of my digital stuff for free?
I mean, I've got tons of it. And let's face it... we all need a little bit of escapism right now.

Now, sure, sure... I want your support. After all, I've got employees to pay (I honestly couldn't gaf about my own paycheck, but the wife likes paying the mortgage), and I really like these folks I've got working here. So if you want to support us, that would be great. I'm going to be writing no matter what.

Anyways, where was I?

Ah yeah. FREE stuff.

Today, I've decided to release SHRINE OF THE EMPEROR OF BONES as a free module. You can get the print version on here. It's very pretty and printed in the US.

You'll need to access it via my Patreon. If you're not already a Patron, no worries—no sign-up is required.

Anyway, this is my way of giving back. I'm pretty exhausted from all the song and dance and marketing nonsense. 

(Yes, I know this is a form of marketing called "Permission Marketing", but cut me some slack, pal.)

Enough ranting. Here's the link:

Thanks again!




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