Play Date with Letty & Mr. Nick

By request, a special pledge level for die-hard Letty fans. This pledge level rewards include:
- the option for a hand-delivered copy of the game, when you meet up with Letty & Mr. Nick for a PLAY DATE!*
- an afternoon with Letty & Mr. Nick at a Letty-picked dog-park, 
- and round out the Play Date with drinks and snacks at a Letty-picked venue**

*If the game hasn't shown up at the chosen Play Date time, normal shipping will apply, or we'll figure it out, Letty loves her fans.
**Likely a venue near one of her dog-parks.

This pledge level is designed for a very specific pair of people in the Chicagoland region, but is open to all. Finer details of the dates, timing, and requirements for meeting Letty will be handled after the campaign. Travel and accommodations are not included in this pledge. (We have to say that for the non-neighbor-folks looking to pledge at this level.)

Come spend the day with Letty!

Play Date with Letty & Mr. Nick


4 remaining