Mr Nick
12 months ago

Project Update: Friends!

Hey everyone, been a bit under the weather and this last week has been a lot of naps. Like a Letty-quantity of naps. We've a lot of catching up to do, and a lot has happened this past week.

We did want to share a little bit more about Letty's friends, though, so let's dive in! You may have seen a few illustrations - or those of you who were part of playtesting and preview groups have noticed - Letty has a core group of dog-friends she goes with on adventures. Letty meets many of her friends at the dog park and their adventures and friendship continue beyond the park.

One of Letty's earliest friends is Ivy. Ivy and Letty usually have adventures in the way of play dates. Playing with toys and wrestling on the couch, and giving those "hey can we have treats, now?" eyes to their moms. Ivy makes appearances in the core game and in the Play Dates adventures.

Sweet Lani is one of Letty's favorites. The two of them together starts out with a ton of energy and discussion between the those two girls quickly turns into a tag-team competition of who much room they can take on the couch from their moms. Lani shows off how cuddy she is in the Play Dates adventures as well as making an appearance in the core game.

What do Lemon and Letty love in common? Is it car rides? Yes. The park? Also yes. The beach?! Heck yes! Lemon is one of Letty's mild-mannered friends who both takes and gives play time cues. I'm sure Lemon's cuddly, too, but to be honest, I don't think I've ever seen Lemon not be active or instigating Letty and friends to jump around and play. Lemon joins Letty in the core game and in the Beach Days adventures.

Rue is one of Letty's friends who she sees every morning at the dog park. Rue's very activity motivated and she keeps Letty on her toes running around the park. On play dates, these two play off one another's interests: from car rides to super secret adventures to get ice---I've already said too much. Rue's mom will be reading this, I'm sure. Rue's an endearing and quiet puppy who makes appearances in Play Dates and In the City adventures.

Did I save Saint for last to drive her mom bonkers? Nah. Is Saint a trouble maker? Absolutely not. Did she try to do dental work on me last time I saw her at the dog park? 100% yes. No way, that doesn't sound like Saint! Saint is probably the friend who Letty gets to see most often. When at the dog park, when Saint sees Letty, she lays down, waiting for the right moment to jump up and greet Letty. (I mean, she does it smack in the middle of the park, there's no way Letty doesn't see her. But the tradition is appreciated, Saint. We love you.) When Letty sees Saint at the park, all bets are off. With her mom's permission Letty bolts across the park to see her friend. They chase each other around and play for a solid block of time before both of them hold up and "guard" the rest of the dog park friends. It's only in those last 2 minutes of everyone leaving the park together does it seem a week's worth of energy comes out of these two as they continue to play as their moms try to leave the park. There are so many stories and adventures I could share about Saint and Letty, we'll save those for another time. Saint herself makes appearances in the core game, Beach Day, In the City, and Play Dates adventures.

I know I haven't mentioned a lot about Letty's friends' parents, rest assured they're all great. They're friends with Letty's mom and often get everyone together to be social. Like I said, the humans, they're probably great, but these dogs? Be still my heart.

Speaking of humans, though, we met some great ones, recently. We made some digital friends with a gaming group called Improper Perspectives. This small group of friends has been exploring live streaming their weekly gaming sessions, and in one such session we all started talking about the game. Greg and Atom offered to introduce the game to their friends, and streamed their experience last week. While these friends play a variety of games, they were kind enough to give the game a go, and you can watch them explore the game on their channel. They also shared with me they're planning on streaming a variety of other games in the coming months. It was nice to see some folks outside of our playtesting group taking on the game and giving it a go. Thanks new friends!

We've some big news coming up in this final week of the campaign.  Typically there's a bigger nudge towards a campaign's funding goal near the last weekend and you should expect to see some surprises on that front. We also added a few more pledge levels for some specific people who requested other ways to support the campaign, including a few retailers jumping on the campaign. Those new pledge levels will have their post-campaign details sorted after the campaign. Speaking of pledge levels, we'll have another update tomorrow (now that all the naps are behind us) to share with you all of the illustrations available for the Art Prints pledge, too. (It'll be a selection of any card illustration in the core game, but we'd still like to spell it out for those who haven't seen everything, yet.)

We spent a lot of time in the sun today, well, Saturday, so it's probably time to call it a night. Now that we're back to healthy and into the last week of the campaign, you'll see a final push from us here on BackerKit and in inboxes.

Thanks for joining us on this gaming adventure!

Much love,
~Mr. Nick




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