Stefan Surratt
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Color VTT Tokens and More Art

We've done it! Still not even a full 48 hours in and we've funded, plus hit two stretch goals! Big thanks to you all and an even bigger thanks to those of you who are spreading the word online!

I will be working hard on coloring images for the VTT tokens. Here's an example of what that transformation looks like. This is what I did about 3 years ago for The Brimstone Cradle. But my skills have improved a bit since then so it'll look even better now.
Original art of a Hillfolk by Jacob Fleming

The token it became

We're also getting more original art created for the book! To celebrate that, I wanted to show off a sketch from Kiril Tchangov, who is already working on 18 separate pieces. Once he's finished with those, I'll have him do even more!
A sketch of something the PCs may encounter in the level 5 adventure

A finished piece from Prisoners of the Secret Overlords

I also wanted to link to some podcasts that I've been on recently. Check out This Ol Dungeon! I chatted with Luau Lou about this campaign, but we also spent about an hour talking about the classic adventure G3 - Hall of the Fire Giant King. I also recently appeared on Nerd's RPG Variety Cast. I spoke with Jason Connerly about converting older modules to different systems and being inspired by those modules to create new adventures, which was a pretty natural segue into more Conquest of Chaos talk.

Ane last but not least, I do want people to know that I am still trying to get shipping to other countries. Thanks to a friend who really wants this book, I learned of a potential Canadian distributor and am discussing terms. Hope to have more news on that soon!

Alright folks! That's it for now. Keep rolling dice and keep being kind to each other!
VTT tokens will be color instead of black-and-white.
Goal: $10,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
We are going to print!
Goal: $8,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
More art from Kiril Tchangov.
Goal: $12,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!





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