Stefan Surratt
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Stretched for Stickers!

Stickers for Everyone!

Another stretch goal down and another sticker for physical backers! Here's what the sticker will look like, though I may add some stylish letters around it saying "join the conquest of chaos" or something along those lines.

Another Chance To Become a "Returning Backer"

While we're here, I wanted to share a link that can get new folks that "I pondered the orb" sticker! I'm also involved (some writing, editing, and layout) on The Wanting Wizard. Myself, Luau Lou (Unnatural Selections, Dark Luck Club), Matt Gullet (Caverns of the Dead God), Eddie Barlett (Meet Yer Maker), and John Watson (Hell Train) are writing this zine of hexcrawls and questing! 

I'm going to make sure that I get the emails of everyone who backs this Kickstarter campaign so I can send all of them the "returning backer" sticker if they're also on this campaign! (P.S. The PDF on this one will only be $5!)

Next Goal - Adventure Design Podcast

Next stretch goal is for an adventure design podcast! Once we hit that funding goal, I'll put up a poll to get your opinions on what the different subjects should be. But let me know in the comments here if you have an idea that you would love to hear about! We're gonna need some help getting there though. Please share, share, share this campaign online!
A sticker based on the cover art
Goal: $15,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!





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