Dynamite Entertainment Team
6 months ago

Project Update: Something Signed by Jone Cleese Update

So...remember that "something signed by John Cleese" pledge level?  We're excited to share a picture of the really awesome Monty Python's Holy Grail collectors print!  These are beautifully printed on heavy cardstock and are suitable for framing. Mr. Cleese is scheduled to autograph the pictures in just about 4 weeks at a convention appearance.  It's all been arranaged - the prints arrive via swallow and the signatures will be completed during his stay here in the United States for the show.  It's all rather exciting as we all love Monty Python and are thrilled to have the opportunity to share this awesome collectible with everyone.

Watch for more updates coming soon.  We should have news on the pledge manager and the manufacturing progress soon.  Thanks!!

Oh and make sure you check out ComicTopia on Backerkit running now!  We have a cool project on there as well as 27 other incredibly creative comics and graphic novels.  Fun!





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