Larry Kenney & Mark Spears Talk Thundercats Omnibus Editions!
Dynamite Entertainment
Just wondering when to expect the backer survey to be sent out so that we can provide our shipping information? Any updates would be appreciated.
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Make the back goals could we know what the last reward would of been? Obviously we know about Lion-O and Cheetra, but my curiosity peaked if my guess was right.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
I was wondering what led to the decision for the stretch goals to be so high. I have participated in a few backerkits, both collectible lines and other printed material that were nowhere near so far over the initial goal nor between each level. Did licensing or the collaboration of such big names have that big of an impact?
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Can we get the dimensions of the HC Omnibus? I am specifically curious about its thickness in inches. Thank you!
Project Update: Second Thundercats Stretch Goal in Reach!
NOW - when we pass $198500 on the campaign everyone will get a second matching mini print featuring the style guide animation art for Cheetara! These prints are wonderful additions to any Thundercats collection and will be cool to share with friends and fellow fans. Check it out!
Please share this project with fellow Thundercats fans in your life so everyone can get the sweet extras and cool collectible stretch goal items with their omnibus editions. Every share helps.