The Snarky Company
4 days ago

Project Update: 🍰 🥧 Welcome to The Bakeshop Pin Collection 🥐 🧁

Hey all, 

Welcome to Snarky Co's Sweet and Snarky Bakeshop, where the cakes are frosted, the coffee is strong, and the snark is always free!

Fully funded

We are fully funded, and as of right now, all eight cakes on the page are unlocked.

What's next?

I've got some new cakes to be added, as well as a few other dessert themed designs. Also... I want to know what you, the backers, want written on your cakes.  

The Poll

Please vote in the pole and leave suggestions in the comments. Remember there's only so much room on the cake, so keep your suggestions short and sweet. Currently the polls in Backerkit only allow you to choose one option, so feel free to write your other picks or suggestions in the comments. Please note some of the options in the poll are specific and might not apply to everyone. 

Early Bird - 48 Hours

There are just over 24 hours left to receive the free early bird sticker. If you back within the first 48 hours you'll receive a free - 3" Absolutely Not sticker.

Please note that when you pledge you may not see the early bird or previous backer freebies on your pledge, those items will be added in the back end of Backerkit on your survey.

Adding new add-ons

I'm currently working on adding new add-ons. I wasn't able to complete some of the listings I wanted to add before I launched. You can check back to amend your pledge and add new add-ons to your order, or you can wait and find them in your post campaign survey. 

New pledge level

A new pledge level has been added that allows you to make a custom cake. 

Pin Kids Collective

This campaign is part of a larger project called the Pin Kids Collective. Keep in mind that there are specific freebie rewards based on the campaigns you decide to back. If you decide to back paired campaigns (Bakeshop & Transcend) or (Haunted Library & Rainbow Bookshop) you'll receive a free sticker from each campaign, so two free stickers. If you back all four campaigns, then you'll receive one free pin from each campaign, for a total of four free pins.

Below you can check out the free pins you'll receive from each campaign. 


The Haunted Library

The Rainbow Bookshop


104 votes • 10 days left





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