How is it the end of January already? Can whoever is in charge of this time thing slow it down at all?
Anyway, everything is on track, but I do need for some of you to fill in your surveys - there are only 12 of you remaining who haven't filled it in yet. Thank you to everyone who has done theirs already!
It looks like I will be able to send off to print around mid February so that means (depending on how long the printer takes) that I should be sending everything out by the end of Feb/early March as planned. I will give you fair warning when I'm sending to print as at that point I will be locking down addresses since I will be shipping as soon as the books arrive.
I also have an exciting bit of news which is that this year I will be making my fourth Strangehollow book - Savage Strangehollow! It's thrilling to be heading back to the enchanted forest again. I'm feeling quite 'dragony' so expect lots of dragons in this one, and other bitey beasts.