Evil Hat Productions
4 months ago

Project Update: Thank you! Here's the next steps...

A black and white illustration of a series of cloaked figures performing a ritual. The figure in the center splays extremely long, spidery fingers over an arcane text. Caption: Yessss... Thank you....

Hey friends,

Thank you so much for supporting this major expansion to Monster of the Week! Over 2,000 of you helped bring this project to life and we added over $17,000 on the final day to unlock our seventh stretch goal: Rollable Mystery tables and Zoom In/Zoom Out combat moves!

The next couple weeks will be fairly quiet in terms of updates. BackerKit needs to collect and distribute your funds to us. We are in the process of commissioning art and revising the layout, and once that's finished we'll fire off the order for the print books. We'll also be working with Campaign Coins and our print shop to get the premium gear into production.

We'll keep you apprised as we hit milestones, but for the near future we're going to keep our heads down. We take pride in delivering our crowdfunder rewards ahead of schedule and we're going to make every effort to do that here.

On a related note: in order to get you the books as quickly as possible, we choose to put the bonus material of the stretch goals on a separate production timeline. We'll deliver them digitally, as they are completed.

We don't make a habit of commissioning stretch goals until we know that the goal has actually funded. And, if you've backed projects from other companies, you've likely seen how the work of delivering stretch goals can dramatically delay delivery when they're folded into the final rewards. We want to get the goods that are finished out the door first rather than make you wait for the main deliverables.

Finally, if you have an issue with your pledge, your payment, or anything else you need our customer service team to tackle, please email us at [email protected]. We do our best to monitor the comments here, but emailing us directly is the most efficient way to get eyes on your issue.

On behalf of the whole team, once again: thank you again for being part of this project! Monster of the Week is a steadfast bestseller in our bullpen of games, and your passion for playing it is a big reason for its success.
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