Exalted Funeral Press
6 months ago

Project Update: Thank you!! Pledge Manager Timeline, PDFs, UVG Dice, & OGA Discord Link (BACKERS ONLY! 😉)


A big THANK YOU from Luka and the team at Exalted Funeral for a successful campaign! We appreciate you all so much and are really excited you've joined us in making OGA come to life! 

Pledge Manager Surveys and Pre-order Store

We will send out the Pledge Manager Backer Surveys in early October. They will be open for about a month and then orders will be locked and cards charged. 

The Pre-order store will also open at that time so if anyone you know missed out on the campaign they will get a chance to purchase items then!

There will be an update later this month before we send them out with more details, so stay tuned.

PDFs of Previously Released Titles

After the orders are locked and cards are charged in the Pledge Manager then we will send out the PDFs to backers for all of the previously released items like UVG and the SDM zines. 

$11,207.69 away from the last achievement, UVG Dice! Now what?

We were SO close to unlocking those beautiful UVG Eyeburners! We are exploring what it will take to extend this achievement into the Pledge Manager.

Dice are a pretty expensive item to manufacture so if add-on numbers are low then it may not make sense to produce them. We'd like to get an idea of how many backers are interested in purchasing the UVG dice.

We have made a poll to help us make the decision on whether it makes sense to extend this achievement. Please let us know if you are interested in that add-on!

Campaign Updates

Updates will go out once a month with progress updates, pictures of prototypes (and pets), and any pertinent information. 

Thanks again for all of the support!
-Exalted Funeral Team and Luka
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
The original roman numeral UVG Dice reissued with new livery! Available as an add-on for all backers.
Goal: $488,517.71 / $500,000
We need $11,482.29 more to reach this goal.
user avatar image for Exalted Funeral Press





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