Attunement : Tabaxi 700 USD/955 CAD

As a tabaxi, you are a being of stealth, guile, and intrigue. This pedigree of allure and mystery extends to the way you live your life; no one can truly dictate what the right path in life may be but that is because few tabaxi ever spell it out and even the wizened grayhaired ones are likely only going to offer cryptic riddles at the best of times. Unlike most tabaxi, you seem to have a knack for figuring out the right path on your own, while skillfully misleading others, be they tabaxi or not.

This aligns well with The Moon, a card of secrets, illusions, and intuition. 

At this tier, you will work with our art team and project management to customise aspects of this card, such as pose, and Tabaxi coat colour, clothing and accessories, within reason for the scope of being a Paragon of their people - the goal to which a typical Tabaxi hopes to strive towards. We will ask you provide a Discord handle or email (Discord preferred) to [email protected] by campaign end, so our art team can connect with you and begin working on the card art.

In addition to customisation, you will receive 10 of these pins, to keep or share as you like; and one pin of each unlocked design. 

Backers will be able to choose this design you help make as part of their pledges.

Attunement : Tabaxi 700 USD/955 CAD


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