Fragged Empire: RAG-TAG is out +Patreon for STLs +Kingdom 2 update!!!!
G'day everyone.
As most of you already know, RAG-TAG has now been sent out and is publicly available on DriveThru.
• If you have missed your email(s), please reach out to me (af...
Wade D
5 months ago
RAG-TAG is out!
I hope you enjoy. I will post up a full Update tomorrow.
Wade D
5 months ago
Please complete your RAG-TAG pledge manager survey ASAP!!
G'day everyone, I just wanted to give you all a nudge to complete your RAG-TAG pledge manager survey right away!! Seriously... do it right now if you can, its just needs a few c...
Wade D
6 months ago
And that's a wrap!!
Thanks so much everyone for another successful crowdfunding campaign!
If all goes to plan I hope to have the PDFs and Print-on-Demand links out to you all in a month and a half ...
Wade D
6 months ago
Death, Retirement, Subcultures & Tolatl!
G'day everyone,
we are now in our final days for the campaign!
Thanks to everyone who voted on the Poll on the campaign page, we had a tie for 2 topics for my next video... so ...
Wade D
6 months ago
New Rule Videos!
G'day everyone!
I have just made two new rules videos for you all, Skill & Drama Dice, and Plot Dice & Making NPCs. Please enjoy, and let me know what you would like to see next...
Just the other day I launched a Patreon for Fragged STLs!! If you love 3d printing or miniatures you should check it it :) The more people join the more I can make for you all!.
Fragged Kingdom 2 development is also coming along well. The rules are in a really good place (and playtest files are freely available via the Fragged discord channel), art is also nearly complete (gasp!!!), though the lore writing is a little slow as I'm wanting to put a lot of thought into things (.... and I have been getting a little distracted with side Fragged projects.... sorry for that :P ).
Join the Fragged Discord to hang out with the Fragged community. I and others are on there everyday talking about Fragged lore/rules, and ttRPGs in general!
Is it possible to have a barebone edition. Like with other Bork games the colors are too strong to look at for reading.
Does not have to be black and white. But it is okay of it is the only option.
G'day everyone, I just wanted to give you all a nudge to complete your RAG-TAG pledge manager survey right away!! Seriously... do it right now if you can, its just needs a few clicks to confirm your pledge.
I hope to send out all RAG-TAG files very soon (I'm just finishing up some new art) and I may not be able to help you for a couple of weeks if you miss the pledge manager. As I will be busy at the PAX Convention here in Australia.