T. Ashley Jenkins
10 months ago

Project Update: Pins & Proofs!

Hello again, everyone! It's time for an update!

The enamel pins just got here yesterday, and they look great! I'm really happy with how they came out. Making enamel pins is so fun, it turns out. I'm gonna turn into an enamel pin making person and make 999 of them

All the enamel pins!

There is a small error in one of them that's my fault, though - the small area between Poppille's hair and her robe was meant to be a cutout. When I had them change the light cool gray on the pin to solid white, it must've recontextualized that white bit in the reference material as solid instead of transparent. I could have spotted this in the digital proof phase, but I just didn't! Luckily it's pretty minor. Probably few would have noticed unless I pointed it out, and I doubt it's enough of a deal breaker to make everyone wait another month while I get a new run of pins manufactured. I mean, unless it is! I'll do it if I have to!

I also recently got the hard copy proofs of the print merch, which includes the posters and the sticker sheets. They look great!

The posters and sticker sheets!

The old sticker sheets and posters look just as good as the first run, and the new poster and stickers turned out wonderfully. I'm especially glad to have logo stickers this time around. Next time I encounter a sticker-filled bathroom, I'll pull out one of these and put "Petal Crash" among them. Something funny - the 7" x 5" sheets can be printed 4 to a page, but the 7" x 5.5" sheets can only be printed 3 to a page, yet cost almost the exact same amount. Printing costs are weird

My next task is to get the survey sent out - it's at that point you'll pay for shipping and be able to indicate things like what storefront you want a key from, how you want your name in the credits, and whether you want the poster signed. Then, once the rest of the print stuff gets here, I can start sending them out!

I've got a fancy label printer now, which is great for shipping labels, but it also means I can print out fun stickers now. You might find a Friend & Fairy logo on the shipping box when you get your rewards!

Thank you all for your patience while I get this all ready! We've also been making progress on assets for the new game, which I'll be more than happy to share when the time is right. Until then, happy Petal Crashing!





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