Frog Tree
about 2 months ago

Project Update: 0.1 Underleaf Pre-Launch: Check out the Back of the Box!

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Hello!! Welcome to my first pre-campaign Underleaf update! I've been working really hard over the past few weeks finishing up the artwork, collecting game reviewers, polishing the box design and I wanted to share a little bit of what I've done as well as share some of the process!

Below is a look at the back of the box of the Demo/Review Copy, so the artwork and design is very much not final. It does give you a first look at the sketches for the artwork as well as some of the components!
There are over 20 unique card illustrations to complete and I'm super excited to share them in future updates as I complete them!!

Artwork + design are not final!

Thank you so much to the over 200 people who have already followed the teaser page!! You're amazing!! Frog Tree began five years ago as an indie board game publisher and while it took me a little while to get back to it, I'm so excited to bring Underleaf to life with you all. : ) 

Sign up here to be notified when we launch! 

I'd love to hear from you!! 

What got you interested in Underleaf? What parts of the process are you interested in hearing about in more updates? Are there any add-ons you're hoping for in the campaign? (You know I gotta have some sweet add-ons hehe)







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