Pledge Levels
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Familiar Combo Deal
197 Backers
One of each familiar pin in any unlocked options, for a little discount!
✨Shipping charged after the project ends!
Includes 3 items
×1D20 Dragon Pin
×1Corvid Dice Collector Pin
×1Chaotic Queer Cat Pin
Full Set of 7 Deal (10% off!)
31 Backers
7 pins at 10% off! One of each familiar, one pronoun, and 3 legacy pins from the 2020 Legendary Pride collection.
✨Shipping charged after the project ends!
Includes 7 items
×1Pronoun D20 Pin
×1D20 Dragon Pin
×1Corvid Dice Collector Pin
×1Chaotic Queer Cat Pin
×1Legendary Pride Dragon
Chaotic Queer Cat Pin
93 Backers
One Chaotic Queer Cat pin in any unlocked flag colors.
✨Shipping charged after the project ends!
Includes 1 item
×1Chaotic Queer Cat Pin
Pronoun D20 Pin
63 Backers
One Pronoun D20 pin in any unlocked options.
✨Shipping charged after the project ends!
Includes 1 item
×1Pronoun D20 Pin
D20 Dragon Pin
95 Backers
One D20 Dragon pin in any unlocked flag colors.
✨Shipping charged after the project ends!
Includes 1 item
×1D20 Dragon Pin
Corvid Dice Collector Pin
83 Backers
One Corvid Dice Collector pin in any unlocked flag colors.
✨Shipping charged after the project ends!
Includes 1 item
×1Corvid Dice Collector Pin
Earlybird Full Set of 7
100 / 100 claimed
7 pins for less than the price of 6! One of each familiar, one pronoun, and 3 legacy pins from the 2020 Legendary Pride collection.
✨Shipping charged after the project ends!
Includes 7 items
×1Pronoun D20 Pin
×1D20 Dragon Pin
×1Corvid Dice Collector Pin
×1Chaotic Queer Cat Pin
×1Legendary Pride Dragon