Gila RPGs
9 months ago

Project Update: Cuckoo Breakdown

Hey everyone,

Taking the vote easily, the Cuckoo is the next class to get a breakdown. Let's learn all about this hooting hacker.

The Corvus Dominion prides itself on its technological dominance over anyone that it encounters. In those rare instances where the tech of an enemy is giving them trouble, a Cuckoo will be dispatched to shut things down (and maybe stealing some of that tech for the Corvus to claim as their own).

Cuckoos are experts of disruption, and when deployed alongside other agents, they also serve a support role. Enemy tech is disrupted and siphoned off to benefit the flock. Not prone to combat like some of the other agents, Cuckoos will whip out their strangler cable, which sends a harsh electrical charge into anyone it wraps around, stunning them momentarily.

The talents of the Cuckoo highlight its mastery over technology. It has the ability to sense and read electromagnetic activity around it, allowing the Corvus to avoid enemy traps or stay out of visual range of detection tools. Using its Cuckoo Claw, this agent is able to siphon the power away from small electronic devices, and quickly override locked doors and panels.

When the fighting breaks out, the Cuckoo steps back and allows other agents to take charge. That doesn't mean they don't have a role to play though! Weapons Jam allows the Cuckoo to quickly shut down the extremely simplistic weaponry the Hellions deploy, preventing them from firing on fellow agents. As agent batteries drain from power use, Cuckoos activate Recharge, which allows them and all other birds to siphon off energy from any enemies they kill, turning enemy tech into fuel for their own. Finally, in those situations where the birds are weak from prolonged combat, Cuckoos can deploy their Reboot power, which allows all nearby agents to recover health, or empower those already at full health.

And that's the Cuckoo! We're just a few days away from the end of the campaign now. And that leaves one last bird to get its time in the spotlight. On Monday I'll do my final breakdown for the Lasher.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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