Gnome Made Games
8 months ago

Project Update: PDF Add-Ons Delivered!

Just wanted to make you aware of a few things in this update.

PDF Add-Ons Delivered

If we've done it correctly, you should receive an email from Backerkit today to claim your digital downloads if you grabbed the Demiverse, Luncheons and Dragonflies, or Those Who Wander add-ons. We're still hard at work on the Playing God-specific rewards.

Preorder Store Is Live!

If you missed the campaign but still want to get in on Playing God, check out the post-campaign pledge page!

Reminder: Pledge Surveys

If you haven't filled out your pledge survey, please do! That allows us to get the right number of copies printed in a timely way and helps us prepare for shipping.

Why Haven't I Been Charged for Shipping?

You didn't miss it! We've opted to charge for shipping closer to fulfillment time.

Nautical Adventures!

If you're into D&D 5th edition, Somanyrobots has a new Kickstarter up and running! Songs of the Spellbound Sea is a 200+ page book, containing everything you need for thrilling adventures at sea. Check it out for:
  • Three new classes: the Troubadour, Swashbuckler, and Bloodrager!
  • Dozens of new subclasses!
  • A complete set of seafaring rules, for naval combat, ocean travel, and building your own floating stronghold at sea!
  • Hundreds of spells, including (but not limited to) the entire Spells That Don't Suck project!
  • New Species!
  • New Monsters!
  • Mini-settings, enchanting islands you can drop into an existing game for instant adventure!

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