Goodman Games
4 months ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager Shipping Costs Assessed

Hello, Purple Planet hordes!

Just a quick update that we have applied shipping charges in the pledge manager. 

Because we are braving new ground in how we fulfill this project, applying the shipping charges is more of a milestone than it may seem. Remember that we are working with a fulfillment company who is going to fulfill all the Purple Planet crowdfunding projects in the same box. So if you pledged for Purple Planet books from more than one publisher, they'll all arrive in the same box. This means backers who supported multiple projects will effectively save money on postage. Fewer boxes shipped = fewer stamps required!

If you log into your pledge manager, you will now see the shipping charges. You have about 48 hours until those charges are actually applied to your card. If you see anything you need to change, please email [email protected] and we can help you with it. (At this point the main pledges are locked but with some special TLC we can work out most exceptions.) 

P.S. The boat full of Purple Planet is on its way here!! We will let you know when the fulfillment process begins.
user avatar image for Judge Jon (GMG)




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